Oct 231999

1999-10-23.elieff-leishmanVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On October 23, 1999, Freedom Party of Ontario held a dinner in support of London landlord Elijah Elieff’s civil action against Susan Eagle, the London Free Press, and others. Elieff had been smeared in the press. He also had been falsely accused of having engaged in racial discrimination against some of his tenants (the Human Rights Board of Inquiry found he had not engaged in racial discrimination). His name having been dragged through the mud, and he having been financially ruined due to activism by those who sought to take control of his apartment buildings and turn them in to a housing co-op, Elieff now was proceeding with a civil suit against those he believed were responsible. Continue reading »

Oct 011999

Four-page hardcopy letter from Robert Metz to members and supporters of Freedom Party of Ontario, inviting them to Freedom Party’s October 23, 1999 dinner at the 7 Dwarves restaurant in London, Ontario. The dinner featured guest speaker Rory Leishman (National Affairs Columnist for the London Free Press), and was held to help raise funds for Elijah Elieff’s 1998 lawsuit against Reverend Susan Eagle, the London Free Press and others who he believed had smeared him and financially ruined him. The letter included 7 pages of inserts, including profiles of Elieff, Leishman, and Metz, and related news clippings. The mailer was Mailed to members and supporters via Canada Post. Continue reading »

Aug 131999

1999-08-13.metz-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
On August 13, 1999, Robert Metz (President, Freedom Party of Ontario) was a guest of Rhonda London Live. In this episode, Metz and host Rhonda London discuss affirmative action; a complaint by an applicant to the University of Michigan’s law school, who was not admitted – though others with similar qualifications were – because she did not fall into a preferred “racial” group for affirmative action purposes; and the repeal in Ontario of “employment equity” legislation. Rhonda asks: Is affirmative action a step in the right direction, or is it racism? Also a guest in this episode: Daina Green (Labour Advisor, Executive member of the Alliance for Employment Equity). Continue reading »

Jul 281999

1999-06-28.mckeever-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
On July 28, 1999, Paul McKeever (Freedom Party of Ontario) was a guest of Rhonda London Live. In this episode, McKeever discussed with host Rhonda London a decision by the CRTC not to regulate the Internet, and the issue of hate speech laws versus free speech. Also a guest on this episode: Sol Littman (Simon Wiesenthal Centre). Continue reading »

Jun 011999


On May 25, 1999, during the Ontario provincial election of June 3, 1999, then Freedom Party of Ontario spokesperson (and candidate in the riding of Toronto Centre-Rosedale) Paul McKeever represented the party as a panelists on Michael Coren Live! (CTS). The topic of discussion: the smaller political parties. Note: another panel followed in the second half of the show, which did not include any discussion by or about Freedom Party. Continue reading »

May 311999

1999-05.31.walkerVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
On May 31, 1999, during the Ontario general election, then Freedom Party leader Lloyd Walker was a candidate in the televised candidate debate for the riding of London-Fanshawe. Other candidates included Frank Mazzilli (Ontario Progressive Conservative Party), Irene Mathyssen (Ontario NDP), Heidi Strasser (Green Party), and Peter Mancini (Ontario Liberal Party) Continue reading »

May 291999

1999-05-29.dinner-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
On May 29, 1999, Freedom Party of Ontario held the second of two dinners that it had held in support of its candidates in the 1999 Ontario provincial election. After an introductory speech by Master of Ceremonies Robert Vaughan, Freedom Party of Ontario founder Robert Metz introduced Mary Lou Gutscher, founder of a party that gave its registered status to Freedom Party in 1984 (Gutscher also was one of the first members of Freedom Party). Thereafter, short speeches were given by some of Freedom Party’s candidates for the 1999 election. Following the candidate speeches, Robert Metz spoke both as the party President and as the candidate for London North Centre. Finally, then party Leader Lloyd Walker (London-Fanshawe) gave the dinner’s closing speech.

The speeches reveal a good number of interesting, historical, and sometimes humourous facts and occurrences. Want to know how Freedom Party got registered, or how it got its name? Want to to know what it was like to be a candidate when the party was just getting started? Want to hear the story about how Mikhail Gorbachev came to own a copy of Ayn Rand’s “Capitalism: the Unknown Ideal”? Want to find out how the press deliberately distorts and disparages Freedom Party candidates? Watch, listen, learn, and laugh a bit.
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May 281999

1999-05-28.metz-london-north-centreVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
On May 28, 1999, during the Ontario general election, Freedom Party of Ontario president Robert Metz was a candidate in the televised candidate debate for the riding of London North Centre. Other candidates included Andrew J. Jezierski (Family Coalition Party), Dianne Cunningham (Progressive Conservative Party), Jeff Culbert (Green Party), Roger Caranci (Liberal Party), and Marion Boyd (NDP).

Calls from viewers included: leadership ability, tuition hikes, a strong & mandatory Ontarians with Disabilities Act, cuts to health care (including womens’ shelters, hearing impaired, drug rehabilitation).

The moderator was Gord Harris, who concluded by asking each candidate to identify what is the single most important issue brought to each candidate’s attention by constituents, and what is the client’s proposal to deal with that issue. Continue reading »

May 251999

1996-xx-xx.fp-logo-radio-thumbAUDIO – DESCRIPTION:
On May 25, 1999, CHRW 94.7 FM hosted an all-candidates debate for candidates in the riding of London North Centre. Freedom Party president Robert Metz was the party’s candidate in London North Centre. He was joined in the debate by candidates for the Family Coalition, Green, and NDP parties, and by the stand-in for the PC party candidate. The candidates are asked about taxation and post-secondary education funding. They are also permitted to ask one another questions, and Metz asks the PC and NDP candidates why they are committed to monopolies in health and education. The PC representative asks Metz about tax cuts and the creation of wealth.


Complete Recording
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May 181999

1996-xx-xx.fp-logo-radio-thumbAUDIO – DESCRIPTION:
On May 18, 1999, CHRW 94.7 FM hosted an all-candidates debate for candidates in the riding of London North Centre. Freedom Party president Robert Metz was the party’s candidate in London North Centre. He was joined in the debate by candidates for the Liberal, PC and NDP parties. The candidates are asked about the environment, tax cuts, dwindling business activity in downtown London, education.

Complete Recording
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