Jan 052006

“Recent comments by Progressive Conservative opposition leader John Tory, about who and what is responsible for murders and murderers in Toronto, have insulted millions of Ontarians, says Freedom Party leader Paul McKeever. They have also helped leftists to promote the growth of government by sowing the seeds of social discord…” [Click here to read the full release]

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Oct 042005


Table of Contents; Quotations; A Message from Paul McKeever; Scrap Ontario’s Income Tax; Legalize Better Health Care; Paying for Health Care: The Facts; Improve Education; Choice in Education?; Improve the Supply of Electricity; Restore Fair Auto Insurance; Scrap Property Taxes; Budgeting Better Health Care and Education.
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Oct 012003


On October 1, 2003, the day before voting in the Ontario provincial election, Freedom Party of Ontario lead Paul McKeever was a panelist on Toronto cable channel CP24’s “Hour Town” program, hosted by Adam Vaughan. Issues discussed included auto insurance, health care, electricity, social housing, and a gasoline tax the revenues of which are earmarked for public transit. Continue reading »

Sep 172003

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

OOntario Election: Municipal Funding Reform

September 17, 2003 – “Freedom Party leader Paul McKeever will join with a number of Freedom Party of Ontario candidates from Toronto-area ridings to distribute Freedom Party’s municipal funding reform plan flyer to the public, including many commuters who arrive at and depart from Union Station each working day…” [Click here to read the full release]

Sep 112003


During the Ontario provincial election of 2003, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever was a guest of TVO’s “Studio 2” program, where he was interviewed by Steve Paikin. Topics discussed include: electricity, education, health care, auto insurance, property taxes. Continue reading »