Jun 011993

The Myth of Fair Taxation; NDP Fair Tax Commission promotes higher taxes; Judge accuses alternate parties of advancing own political agendas; Fp leader defends London landlord against Human Rights commission charges (the banned article!); Alternative parties protest federal restrictions; Education delegation sends message to Queen’s Park; and some more Freedom Briefs. Continue reading »

Jun 091992

1992-06-09.news-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
On June 9, 1992, London, Ontario’s board of education held a meeting of its Program Standings Committee. There was concern in the community over the ineffectiveness of use of the “whole language” method, which was being used to teach children to read in London Schools. Freedom Party had published a guide titled “Just Say Know to Whole Language”, which informed area parents of the philosophy and purposes behind using the Whole Language approach. The community was rightly alarmed. At the board hearing, Freedom Party president Robert Metz did a presentation based upon FP’s guide, and it landed him in the middle of a news report on CFPL TV in London that day.

Metz’s presentation was just one of dozens of anti-“whole language” presentations made to the London Board of Education by parents and educators. In his presentation Metz offered a solution to the education dilemma: parental and taxpayer choice in how their education tax dollars are spent.

During his presentation, Metz reviewed the literacy problems faced under ‘whole language’ and contrasted them with the positive approach of phonics making it clear that, “Given a choice, I would never have my child exposed to the ‘whole language’ cult.” Continue reading »

Apr 031992

1992-04-03.metz-presentation-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On April 3, 1992, Ontario’s NDP government held a hearing in London, Ontario concerning child day care and a government proposal – titled “Setting the Stage” – essentially to impose a tax-funded government monopoly on the provision of day care services in the province (akin to health care). Robert Metz was one of several individuals who gave testimony at the hearing, and his pro-free-market testimony was very well received by the audience members present. Continue reading »

Dec 011991

Freedom Party Launches Campaign For Freedom Of Choice In Education; Fp Targets Union Election Tactics; Protection of Rights Key To Constitutional Success, Says Frampton; Freedom Party Advocates Phasing Out Rent Control In Ontario; Bad Intentions Behind Bill 121, Says Metz; Socialism Under Fire; Freedom Party Joins Tax Coalition Battle; Freedom Party Sunday Shopping Views Clash With All-Party Committee; Government Pulls Plug On Private Daycare – Metz Warns Daycare Operators of NDP Agenda; The Gulf War: Protesters Backing A Bully, Says Robert Metz in Newspaper Editorial; Year-End Re-cap, and more…! Continue reading »

Mar 151991

Politicians, teachers targets during tax group’s session; Freedom Party helps launch taxpayer coalition chapters; Elgin citizens are urged to not pay tax increase; Tax Axioms; Trustees get taste of taxpayer temper; Rebels achieve little even when they win; Falling into the poverty trap; News makers and events; $387,522,403,456 ‘Debt clock’ tells tale; Tax fighters seek Ontario-wide support; Coalition warns taxes withheld; Tax fighters ready to battle governments. Continue reading »

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Feb 011991

Freedom Party Launches ‘Ax the Tax’ Campaign; Special Anti-Tax Newsletter Published – The Tax Act; Socialism 102 – What’s Next? Fascism? – Commentary By Robert Metz; At Rope’s End – Tax Revolt In Ontario; Monteith Urges Citizens Not To Pay Tax Increase; Emery Resigns; Fp Launches Media Blitz; “High Costs, Taxes, Driving Jobs South” Says Frampton in Toronto Star Editorial. Continue reading »

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Sep 041990

1985-fpo-radio-thumbAUDIO – DESCRIPTION:

Two days before voting day in the Ontario election of 1990, Robert Metz – then leader of Freedom Party of Ontario – was the guest of the London, Ontario talk radio program Talkback (with host Anne Hutchison). With the exception of a call about land deals in London, most callers were interested in talking about health care. One caller recalled affordably buying health care insurance for $30 per month for a family of six in the years prior to 1969, when Ontario’s Progressive Conservative government banned private health care and instituted Ontario’s socialized health care monopoly. Another, defending Ontario’s socialist health care monopoly, called to say that each individual is his “brother’s keeper”. Another insinuated, falsely, that Metz and Freedom Party wanted a system akin to that in the United States. Openly opposing “univeral” health care, Metz’s reply was that the issues of health care and poverty are separate issues, and that Ontario residents should have a choice when it comes to paying for health care or helping the poor.

Most commercials have been removed from this recording, but election commercials by the Progressive Conservative Party, the Ontario Medical Association, a union, and the New Democratic Party have not been removed from the recording. Pay particular attention to the fact that, even in 1990, even Ontario’s doctors were saying that the Ontario health care system was leaving people suffering – even dying – in the health care queues and under-service that necessarily has constantly plagued the Ontario government’s rationed (i.e., socialist) health care monopoly since its inception in 1969.

NOTE: This recording was reconstructed from two cassette recordings of the same broadcast. One of the cassettes (captured as tape-2012-060.1990-09-04.talk-back.1990-election.metz-as-guest.same-episode-as-tape-2012-013-but-better-recording.mp3) included no commercials (they had been skipped during the recording process), but the other (captured as tape-2012.013.mp3) had a couple of election commercials that originally made onto a cassette tape. During most of tape-2012.013.mp3, music can be heard playing as if in the background, and the signal tails off dramatically toward the end. However, the political commercials from that recording have been added to the other recording to create this reconstructed recording for archival purposes.

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May 011990

“No Fair!” Says Fp Leader Robert Metz About Taxation; “Of The People, By The People, and For the People” – Democracy Reconsidered; Focus on the Environment – Fp Leader Robert Metz Participates in Media Forum On the Environment; Reforming Canada’s election laws; democracy and freedom; Sunday shopping; Fp’s Barry Fitzgerald Wins Battle to Force City of Welland to Clean Up the Welland River; Fraser Institute’s Senior Economist, Dr. Walter Block, Presents Fp Members And Supporters With A Reconciliation of Economics And The Environment; What Do We Owe The Poor?; No-fault insurance; Freedom 200 pins. Continue reading »

Feb 011990

Media Forum: Fp’s Murray Hopper Debates United Church minister Susan Eagle on the Minimum Wage; What To Do About The GST?; Freedom Party Campaigns For Freedom Of Choice In Language – Bill 8 And Official Bilingualism Condemned; Mississauga’s Clarkson Business Improvement Area To Stay Despite Protest and Opposition; Letters From Our Readers – And More! Continue reading »

Apr 211988

1985-fpo-radio-thumbAUDIO – DESCRIPTION:
On April 20, 1988, Ontario finance minister Robert F. Nixon tabled the Liberal government 1988 provincial budget. It proposed, in part, that Ontario’s Retail Sales Tax be increased by one percentage point: up to 8% from 7%. The tax increase was, therefore, one of the subjects of discussion on Radio 98’s “Talkback” program, in the days that followed. Freedom Party president Robert Metz called-in, and explained that taxes are the secondary issue, and that the main issue is getting spending under control. He speaks, especially, to Ontario’s two most expensive programs: health care and education.



Complete Recording
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