Jul 092013

2013-05-06.mckeever-thumbAUDIO – DESCRIPTION:

In this episode of “London Today” (1290 CJBK AM – London), Freedom Party leader Paul McKeever speaks with Andy Oudman about the breaking news of the arrest on child porn charges of former Education Deputy Minister Ben Levin, who was in power during the development of Ontario’s age-innappropriate sex ed curriculum (abandoned in 2010 pursuant to public outcry). McKeever was the first to point out the connection between the timing of the development of the abandoned sex ed curriculum, the term of Levin’s participation as Deputy Minister of Education, and now-premier Kathleen Wynne’s term as Minister of Education.

The interview was recorded shortly after noon on July 8, 2013. The full interview was aired shortly after 10:00 AM on July 9, 2013.

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Jul 082013

2013-05-06.mckeever-thumbAUDIO – DESCRIPTION:

In this episode of “London in the Afternoon” (1290 CJBK AM – London), Freedom Party leader Paul McKeever speaks with Al Coombs about the breaking news of the arrest on child porn charges of former Education Deputy Minister Benjamin Levin, who was in power during the development of Ontario’s age-innappropriate sex ed curriculum (abandoned in 2010 pursuant to public outcry). McKeever was the first to point out the connection between the timing of the development of the abandoned sex ed curriculum, the term of Levin’s participation as Deputy Minister of Education, and now-premier Kathleen Wynne’s term as Minister of Education.

Segments from the interview were played at the top and bottom of the hour as part of the newscast. The full interview was aired shortly after 4:00 PM.

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Jul 082013

2013-05-06.mckeever-thumbAUDIO – DESCRIPTION:

In this episode of Andy Oudman’s radio show “London Today” (1290 CJBK AM – London), Freedom Party leader Paul McKeever speaks with Andy about the provincial by-election in London West, including Freedom Party’s candidate, Al Gretzky; Freedom Party’s “Sorry Kathleen Wynne” radio ad; and the exclusion of Al Gretzky from the list of possible responses in a recent election poll.

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Jul 022013

2013-05-06.mckeever-thumbAUDIO – DESCRIPTION:

Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever calls into the “London Today” program hosted by Andy Oudman weekday mornings on 1290 AM CJBK. The Ontario Liberal Party has nominated the just-retired Ontario Secondary School Teacher’s Federation head Ken Coran as its candidate for the coming London-West by-election. Coran and his union protested at the February 2013 Liberal leadership confence, at which Kathleen Wynne won the leadership of the Ontario Liberal Party. One week prior to his nomination, he endorsed or praised London West NDP candidate Peggy Sattler. The concern is that, if elected, Coran will be appointed Minister of Education.

Listen to the entire 59 minute, 16 second discussion (absent commercials). McKeever’s call starts at approximately the 35 minute, 15 second mark:

Or listen just to McKeever’s call into the show:

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Jun 282013

2007-02-21.metz-thumbAUDIO – DESCRIPTION:

Freedom Party of Ontario president Robert Metz calls into the “London Today” program hosted by Andy Oudman weekday mornings on 1290 AM CJBK. A by-election is soon to be called for five Ontario ridings, to replace 5 outgoing Liberal MPPs (some of whom have arguably retired due to involvement in a scandal in which the Liberal government spent hundreds of millions of dollars to move two gas plants in an effort to save 5 Liberal seats during the 2011 general election). The news has been leaked to Oudman’s show – by an upset London West Liberal – that the Kathleen Wynne Liberals are going to appoint Ken Coran – former head of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation who is retiring on June 30th, 2013 – even though he and his union led the anti-Liberal government protest held at the February 2013 Liberal leadership contest, and even though he – only a week or so earlier – had been endorsing the London West NDP candidate, Peggy Sattler. All three parties – the Liberals, NDP, and PCs – are promising to continue deficit spending until as late as 2017 or 2018. Robert Metz calls to let the public know that Al Gretzky (Wayne Gretzky’s uncle) will be Freedom Party’s candidate in London West, and that he’s the candidate to elect if people want to balance the budget in Ontario.

Listen to the entire 36 minute, 13 second discussion (absent commercials). Metz’s call starts at approximately the 25 minute, 18 second mark:

Or listen just to Robert Metz’ call into the show:

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Jun 182013

“Freedom Party of Ontario is pleased to announce that Al Gretzky has been nominated its candidate for the coming provincial by-election in the riding of London West. Al Gretzky is a familiar name in London West. The uncle of Wayne Gretzky, he has been a resident of Byron for decades. Most recently an employee of Eaton’s and Sears, he is active in the community, having given his time in support of such causes as the Thames Valley Children’s Centre, the Canada Games, the Palace Theatre, and the International Free Press Society. A trusted and respected figure in the riding, 21,690 ballots (35.7% of the ballots cast) were cast in his favour when he ran as the federal Conservative Party candidate in the election of 2006 (he finished just 1,329 ballots behind then-popular Liberal incumbent Sue Barnes)…” Click here to read the full media release.

Jun 142013

2011-09-xx.hodges-thumbAUDIO – DESCRIPTION:

Freedom Party of Ontario officer Tim Hodges calls into the “London Today” program hosted by Andy Oudman weekday mornings on 1290 AM CJBK (though, in this recording Al Purvin guest-hosts). The public is upset with the political parties holding seats at Queen’s Park, and Purvin wants them to call in and vent. This recording begins with a call from Freedom Party of Ontario officer and long-time volunteer Tim Hodges, who explains that it is time to replace one or more of the parties at Queen’s Park, and that Freedom Party is working toward doing that.

Listen to the entire 26 minute, 28 second discussion (absent commercials):

Or listen just to Tim Hodges’ call into the show:

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