Jun 262003

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

Wedgie Implemented, What Have You Left to Offer Ontario, Mr. Eves?

June 26, 2003 – Oshawa – “With the passing into law of another ration of an education tax credit, and an age-discriminatory property tax cut for seniors, the most headline-grabbing “wedge issue” aspects of the Road Ahead platform have already been implemented. Freedom Party of Ontario Leader, Paul McKeever asks: “Why should anyone vote for Mr. Eves’ party now?…” [Click here to read the full release]

May 152003

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

Freedom Party Releases Election Platform: “The Right Direction”

May 15, 2003 – Oshawa – “The [education] tax credit is Progressive Conservative smoke an mirrors: it gives parents the power to choose schools, but leaves government with the power to make the rules about curriculum…” [Click here to read the full release]

May 152003


Letter from Paul McKeever; Choice in Education; Taxes, Borrowing and the Debt; Electricity: A Plan for a Bright Future; Corporate Welfare; Your Home and Your Town; Improving the Integrity of Elections; Health Care; Political Party Funding; The Same Rights for All Individuals; Closing Message.
Continue reading »

May 012003

A re-assembly of the right as Freedom Party: speech by Leader Paul McKeever; riding association workshop coverage in Belleville; “Far-Right fringe aiming to influence Ontario vote” (Globe and Mail); Signs Point to a Spring Election (London Free Press); Sarnia Observer profiles Fp candidate Andrew Falby; Lindsay Daily Post covers Charles Olito’s campaign in Haliburton-Victoria-Brock; Discipline, or “a Discipline”? Daily Post pokes fun at its own headline, attributes quote to Olito; Frampton one of four main candidates in London-West (The Reporter); Ray Monteith first out of the gates in Elgin-Middlesex-London (St. Thomas Times-Journal); McKeever quoted by National Post concerning Eves’ manipulative, vote-oriented mortgage interest deduction proposal. Continue reading »

Apr 152003

2003-04-15.jim-chapman-live.fpo-mckeever-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On April 15, 2003, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever was a guest of Jim Chapman Live. As the election of 2003 approached, Chapman asked McKeever why other parties are not talking about the issues, and about Freedom Party’s stand on the issues. Issues discussed included: electricity; P3s (“public-private partnerships) and corporatism; popularity and reality re: capitalism and socialism; socialized health care; Ontario’s success, socialism, and cheap labour for American companies; Liberal party bans. Continue reading »

Apr 122003

2003-04-12.dinner-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On April 12, 2003, Freedom Party held its second of two dinners in anticipation of Ontario’s 2003 provincial general election. Party president Robert Metz commenced the presentations and introduced party leader Paul McKeever, who explained the importance of knowing exactly what democracy is, and what it is not, and why it must be defended. Bill Frampton, the party’s vice-president at the time, gave a short speech in his dual capacity as MC and as candidate in the riding of London West. A number of Freedom Party’s candidates then each took a couple of minutes to introduce themselves, including Rob Smink, Gord Mood, Wayne Simmons, Dick Field (who gave a very spirited and particularly well-received speech), Carol Leborg, Charles Olito, and Franz Cauchi. Continue reading »

Mar 182003

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

Ontario Election 2003: Freedom Party Leader, Paul McKeever, to be candidate in Oshawa

March 18, 2003 – Oshawa – “The Freedom Party of Ontario announced today that party leader and local employment lawyer Paul McKeever, will run as the Freedom Party candidate for Oshawa in the 2003 provincial election…” [Click here to read the full release]

Mar 152003

Four page hardcopy letter from Robert Metz to members and supporters of Freedom Party of Ontario, inviting them to Freedom Party’s April 12, 2003 “2003 Election Campaign” Dinner at the Seven Dwarfs Restaurant in London, Ontario. Mailed to members and supporters via Canada Post. Enclosures include: promotional poster (8.5″x11″) and a response form. Continue reading »

Jan 012003


In 2003, Freedom Party of Ontario prepared a number of “wallpapers” for use on ones computer. Each of the 10 wallpapers focused upon one or more of the leaders of the Liberal Party of Ontario (Dalton McGuinty), the New Democratic Party of Ontario (Howard Hampton), or the governing Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario (Ernie Eves). Continue reading »

Nov 302002

2002-11-30.mckeever-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On November 30, 2002, Freedom Party of Ontario held its first of two Ontario provincial general Election 2003 dinners. The dinner was held in London, Ontario. Master of Ceremonies Robert Vaughan introduced the dinner’s two speakers: FPO president Robert Metz and FPO’s then-new leader, Paul McKeever. Metz gave a state of the party speech. This was the first Freedom Party dinner in which Paul McKeever gave a speech as the party’s leader. Continue reading »