Search Results : “paul mckeever”

Jun 092005

“Freedom Party of Ontario leader, Paul McKeever, praised the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision today which declared unconstitutional a Quebec law prohibiting individuals from spending their own money on health care services. His party views the decision as added fire-power for its unique stand on the issue leading into Ontario Election 2007…” [Click here to read the full release]

Jun 072005

“…Freedom Party of Ontario Leader, Paul McKeever, says the government, with the opposition’s assistance, is engaging in a political fraud: that the public is being misled so that they will embrace legislation designed to load government costs onto the backs of employees and private sector employers…” [Click here to read the full release]

Jan 192005

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

Private Health Services + Tax Revenues = Ontario Disaster

January 19, 2005 – Oshawa – “…Tory’s proposed system is known to economists and politicos as ‘corporatism’ or ‘the third way’. This proposal for corporatism is naively made, and would be ineffective, if not dangerous”, says Freedom Party of Ontario leader, Paul McKeever…” [Click here to read the full release]

Dec 062004

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

Premature Ejection

December 6, 2004 – Oshawa – “With Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario leader, John Tory, saying that Finance Minister Greg Sorbara should step down over the alleged accidental release of Social Insurance Numbers, Freedom Party of Ontario leader, Paul McKeever, is expressing concern…” [Click here to read the full release]

Nov 302004

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

Do the Right Thing Premier: Break Your Promise

November 11, 2004 – Oshawa – “With Ontario’s film workers preparing for a demonstration at Queen’s Park on Wednesday, December 1, 2004, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever is urging Premier McGuinty not to increase tax credits and taxpayer funding to the industry…” [Click here to read the full release]

Sep 302003

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

Voter Fraud in Ontario Election 2003

September 30, 2003 – Oshawa – “As the election winds down to a predictable close, many writers are complaining that there is nothing to write about. Freedom Party of Ontario Leader Paul McKeever is suggesting the time is right to write about Ontario’s absurd, fraud-prone voting system…” [Click here to read the full release]