Search Results : “paul mckeever”

Sep 082007

“Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever today announced that Freedom Party has nominated Kingston resident Mark Fournier as its candidate for the riding of Kingston and the Islands for the coming provincial election. The 54 year old Fournier is co-founder of Canada’s most influential political discussion forum,…” Click here to read the full media release.

Aug 012007

2007-08-01.fptv-15-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
In this information-packed video, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever explains that the “fiscal gap” is a myth…a myth promoted by provincial politicians who are afraid of being accountable to the public for raising taxes or cutting spending. Paul also explains the dangers, to confederation and to the democratic process, of provinces seeking to balance their budgets with federal tax revenues. Continue reading »

Jul 292007

2007-07-29.fptv-14-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
Freedom Party of Ontario leader, Paul McKeever, reports from cottage country in the Haliburtons.

While the Liberals and Progressive Conservatives are promising to increase spending (and, therefore, to increase taxes), Freedom Party’s message remains: we must decrease taxes and government spending. Continue reading »

May 212007

2007-05-21.fptv-11-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
On long weekends, and at other times when demand for gasoline increases, gasoline prices often increase. Many politicians jump on this opportunity to allege “collusion” among gasoline companies, and to call prices increases “price gouging”.

On May 17, 2007 – the Thursday prior to the Victoria Day long weekend in Ontario – Ontario’s Progressive Conservatives (PCs) introduced a private members Bill (Bill 228, Gas Prices Notice Act, 2007) which would require gasoline companies to give consumers three days advance notice of any increase in gasoline prices. One day later, PC leader John Tory issued a press release stating he told gasoline companies that they “must” do a better job of “justifying” their prices.

In this episode of FPTV, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever discusses the injustice of calling the proper functioning of the price system “price gouging”, and explains how the PCs bill would actually cause consumers to force gasoline companies to sell fuel below cost: Bill 228 replaces alleged “price gouging” with patently obvious “fuel gouging”. Continue reading »