Nov 161990

1990-11-16.second-democracy-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On November 16, 1990, Freedom Party of Ontario held a dinner at what was then the Downtown Toronto Holiday. The dinner featured Professor William H. Peterson (Lundy Chair of Philosophy of Business, Campbell University, North Carolina), who gave a speech on “Canada’s Second Democracy” (the free market). Prior to his speech, Master of Ceremonies Bill Frampton gave Freedom Party’s toast to Freedom and introduced then-Freedom Party leader Robert Metz, who presented a number of Freedom 200 pins and gave a speech concerning the Ontario election of September 6, 1990 and the nature of voters. Metz then introduced Professor Peterson. After Professor Peterson’s speech, then-Freedom Party Action Director Marc Emery gave an unscheduled speech in which he condemned electoral participation and advocacy, and suggested that civil disobedience is the only effective way to achieve what he called “social change”. The speeches were followed by an informal question and answer session. Emery’s speech, and his answers at the question and answer session, marked the end of his association with the Freedom Party of Ontario, and his temporary discontinuance of involvement in electoral politics.

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Aug 251990

1990-08-25.election-90.thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On August 25, 1990, Freedom Party held a dinner at the Western Fairgrounds in London, Ontario in anticipation of the September 6, 1990 Ontario provincial general election. Freedom Party’s Jack Plant (who would become the party’s leader in 1994) MC’d the event. Some of Freedom Party’s 1990 election candidates gave speeches at the event, including: Jack Plant, Lloyd Walker, Barry Malcolm, Bill Frampton, Joe Byway, Ray Monteith, David Pengelly, and Chris Balabanian. Thereafter, Marc Emery (Freedom Party’s Action Director), Robert Metz (Freedom Party’s then-leader, and candidate), and Mary Lou Gutscher (Freedom Party) gave speeches in support of the party, its members, its candidates, and its vision. Continue reading »

Oct 291989

1989-10-29.block-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On October 29, 1989, Freedom Party of Ontario held a brunch at the Regal Constellation Hotel in Toronto (900 Dixon Road). The party’s guest speaker was Dr. Walter Block, in his capacity as Chief Economist with Vancouver-based Fraser Institute. Block attended to shine light on economics, capitalism, and the environment from the perspective of the Austrian School of economics. Block’s speech is here provided for its historical and economic value, and not for its philosophical message (which runs contrary to Freedom Party’s: whereas Block is libertarian/anti-state, Freedom Party is pro-freedom).

Also included in this video: Professor William H. Peterson’s introduction of Walter Block; Mary Lou Gutscher’s speech about (among other things) how Freedom Party came about; and Freedom 200 pins being awarded to 6 Freedom Party contributors, including Jack Plant, who would years later become the leader of the party.

NOTE: Dr. Block’s speech was transcribed and reprinted in the pages of Freedom Party’s publication Consent (issues 13, 14, 15, and 17).

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Sep 231989

1989-09-23.emerlingVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On September 22, 1989, Freedom Party kicked off a weekend political workshop with a dinner. The workshop was held on September 23, 24, and 25. The dinner, and the workshop, were held at the then Park Lane Hotel in London, Ontario. Titled the “New Art of Political Persuasion Workshop”, the workshop was led by political advisor Michael Emerling (a.k.a., Michael Cloud), who was also a guest speaker at the dinner. It was Emerling’s second workshop for Freedom Party of Ontario (the first being held in 1986). The dinner and workshop were video taped and their entirety. Continue reading »

Sep 221989

1989-09-22.emerlingVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On September 22, 1989, Freedom Party kicked off a weekend political workshop with a dinner. The workshop was held on September 23, 24, and 25. The dinner, and the workshop, were held at the then Park Lane Hotel in London, Ontario. Titled the “New Art of Political Persuasion Workshop”, the workshop was led by political advisor Michael Emerling (a.k.a., Michael Cloud), who was also a guest speaker at the dinner. It was Emerling’s second workshop for Freedom Party of Ontario (the first being held in 1986). The dinner and workshop were video taped and their entirety. Continue reading »

Jun 031989

1989-06-03.dinner-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On June 3, 1989, Freedom Party of Ontario held an “Agenda ’89-’90” dinner. Master of Ceremonies Bill Frampton gave a toast to freedom before introducing then Freedom Party of Ontario leader Robert Metz, who gave a speech and showed attendees recent media coverage received by the party. A question-and-answer session followed, with questions and comments being made by Bill Frampton, Marc Emery, David Pengelly, Barry Fitzgerald, Mary Lou Gutscher, and others. Continue reading »

Apr 211987

1987-04-21.magderVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On April 21, 1987, Freedom Party held its Paul Magder dinner at the (then) Holiday Inn at 89 Chestnut Street in Toronto. The event included speeches by Freedom Party president Robert Metz, Douglas Devnich (Seventh Day Adventist Church), Marc Emery (then Action Director of Freedom Party and the proprietor of City Lights Bookshop in London, Ontario), and Toronto furrier Paul Magder. Emery and Magder each (as a matter of civil disobedience) had been charged, numerous times, for opening their respective stores on Sundays contrary to Ontario’s Retail Business Holidays Act. Continue reading »

Oct 041986

1986-10-06.emerling-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On October 4 and 5, 1986, Freedom Party held a workshop for its members and supporters at the then Park Lane Hotel at 186 King Street in London, Ontario. Titled the “Art of Political Persuasion Workshop”, the workshop was led by political advisor Michael Emerling (a.k.a., Michael Cloud). It was Emerling’s first workshop for Freedom Party of Ontario (the second being held in 1989). The workshop originally had been planned and marketed as a two-day event and those two days were video taped in their entirety. Continue reading »