Sep 011986

Enthusiasm: The Emerling Experience; The Great Debate: Communism vs. Freedom (No Debate at All); Largest Petition in London’s History Presented to City Council; “Roll back your pay 4,500 tell aldermen” (newspaper coverage); Letter to Editor (London Free Press): “Petition deserved better than council snub”; Toronto & London FP Supporters Fight Business Improvement Area Taxes; The Future of Rent Control; Meet Lloyd Walker. Continue reading »

Jul 011986

Openers; Group of Conviction Run By Man With Many Convictions; Action Director Marc Emery Goes to the Polls in London Civic Election; Tax Credit Ceiling Raised; Freedom Party Supporters Help Win a Big Battle for More Freedom for Merv Lavigne and Millions of Canadian Workers; “Teacher wins key case on use of union dues” (newspaper report); Promises, Promises! (socialized medicine); Freedom Party Campus Association Gets Rolling in 1985-1986 Campus Year; “Wage gap blamed on women’s own views” (newspaper coverage); Unemployment – As a Goal in Life; A Four Letter Word Starting With “F” (Censorship Alert campaign). Continue reading »

May 011986

Sounding the alert!; Censorship: Let us count the ways; Political books seized by Canadian customs; Censorship- A black and white issue; No humans allowed; Still the censor board to us; More censorship has all party support; Smurfs, Jedi manipulate children through sexual stereotyping; Swedish censor board restricts E.T. – The Extra Terrestrial; Four Star Trek episodes deemed unsuitable for children by B.B.C; Thousand and One Nights ruled obscene; Censorship Alert! Contributions tax-creditable; New type of censorship; Toronto Sun publisher finds anti-censorship ad “respulbive, tasteless, and insensitive”; Religious conviction can get you a legal conviction; Pro-apartheid speaker ban sought at Toronto university; Censorship violates all our fundamental freedoms; No nudes are good nudes; Disarmament groups cite hate literature provisions in attack of Red Dawn; women primary market for ‘blue’ videos; Racist trash; Help us soud the ALERT! through newspaper advertising; Censorship aided and abetted; draft of proposed newspaper ad; Rock music & videos under attack; The sounds of censorship; Canadian writers, artists, plead for forced support; Feminist view of men irrational & hateful; Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me!; Sex toys now ruled obscene publications; ‘Disgusting’ objects determined by number on display; ‘Art police’ at work; Brotherhood of censors; Nyetto videos; Artistic fascism; Child pornography: the censor’s favourite myth; Linda Lovelace still a “victim”; Ontario teachers favour censorship; Who’s responsible?: Ideas vs. action. Continue reading »

Feb 011986

Sounding the alert!; Censorship: Let us count the ways; Political books seized by Canadian customs; Censorship- A black and white issue; No humans allowed; Still the censor board to us; More censorship has all party support; Smurfs, Jedi manipulate children through sexual stereotyping; Swedish censor board restricts E.T. – The Extra Terrestrial; Four Star Trek episodes deemed unsuitable for children by B.B.C; Thousand and One Nights ruled obscene; Censorship Alert! Contributions tax-creditable; New type of censorship; Toronto Sun publisher finds anti-censorship ad “respulbive, tasteless, and insensitive”; Religious conviction can get you a legal conviction; Pro-apartheid speaker ban sought at Toronto university; Censorship violates all our fundamental freedoms; No nudes are good nudes; Disarmament groups cite hate literature provisions in attack of Red Dawn; women primary market for ‘blue’ videos; Racist trash; Help us soud the ALERT! through newspaper advertising; Censorship aided and abetted; draft of proposed newspaper ad; Rock music & videos under attack; The sounds of censorship; Canadian writers, artists, plead for forced support; Feminist view of men irrational & hateful; Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me!; Sex toys now ruled obscene publications; ‘Disgusting’ objects determined by number on display; ‘Art police’ at work; Brotherhood of censors; Nyetto videos; Artistic fascism; Child pornography: the censor’s favourite myth; Linda Lovelace still a “victim”; Ontario teachers favour censorship; Who’s responsible?: Ideas vs. action. Continue reading »