Jan 182005

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

Private, for Profit Health Care Option Now

January 18, 2005 – Oshawa – “With the news that $91M of the McGuinty government’s $200M bail-out to hospitals will be spent on severance packages for nurses, the Freedom Party of Ontario is proposing that Ontarians be given the option of buying private, for profit health care, instead of paying for the government’s plan through taxes…” [Click here to read the full release]

Dec 062004

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

Premature Ejection

December 6, 2004 – Oshawa – “With Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario leader, John Tory, saying that Finance Minister Greg Sorbara should step down over the alleged accidental release of Social Insurance Numbers, Freedom Party of Ontario leader, Paul McKeever, is expressing concern…” [Click here to read the full release]

Nov 302004

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

Do the Right Thing Premier: Break Your Promise

November 11, 2004 – Oshawa – “With Ontario’s film workers preparing for a demonstration at Queen’s Park on Wednesday, December 1, 2004, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever is urging Premier McGuinty not to increase tax credits and taxpayer funding to the industry…” [Click here to read the full release]

Nov 112004

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

Freedom Party Statement on Rembrance Day

November 11, 2004 – Oshawa – “On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, we pause to remember those who have participated in military action to deny the food of good to the hunger of evil…” [Click here to read the full release]

Sep 192004

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

PC Leadership Outcome: Freedom Party Responds

September 19, 2004 – Oshawa – “…The election of John Tory to the leadership of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party is the outcome that Freedom Party of Ontario has anticipated since 2002, when the red tory majority of the PC membership ejected the common sense agenda of the Mike Harris government, and sidelined his supporters within the party…” [Click here to read the full release]

Aug 012004

The 2003 Election Campaign: Election Call Timing Forced by Freedom Party Campaign; Fp Platform Stresses Health Care, Education, Electricity; Two Dozen Candidates Propel Freedom Party to Provincial Stage; Opportunity Calling; Freedom Party Message Ignored, Loved, Hated; “Just Blow Me” advert; McKeever Targets Eves’ Socialism; Perfect Fit; Tories Roasted at debate; Letter of the Day. Continue reading »

Nov 252003

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

Electricity: McGuinty Blows His Chance to Win Back Private Sector Investors

November 25, 2003 – Oshawa – “…McGuinty had a chance here to win back the private sector’s confidence, and to give a spark of hope to Ontario’s electrical future: he just blew it…” [Click here to read the full release]

Sep 302003

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

Voter Fraud in Ontario Election 2003

September 30, 2003 – Oshawa – “As the election winds down to a predictable close, many writers are complaining that there is nothing to write about. Freedom Party of Ontario Leader Paul McKeever is suggesting the time is right to write about Ontario’s absurd, fraud-prone voting system…” [Click here to read the full release]