Oct 011997

Evolutionary! Party leader Lloyd Walker; FP supports constitutional challenge to Canada’s drug laws; Monteith questions motives of prohibitionists; Judge rules ‘trivial’ freedoms not protected by Charter; Private meeting with Manning; Freedom of Speech under attack; APEC president Ron Leitch calls for grassroots action; Human Rights Commission is racists, says Metz; Freedom of Information ruling irrelevant in determination of information’s validity; PC’s referenda report ‘disappointing’, says Walker; ‘Nothing in it for politicians,’ says Pengelly, on welfare reform; Open-line radio show ‘Left-Right-Center’ launched on CJBK AM radio in London; Entire FP history now on line; Vaughan tests political waters. Continue reading »

Jul 011997

Document Description:
This booklet is one of four records of action published by Freedom Party of Ontario to give its members and supporters a brief overview of its activities since the party’s founding in 1984. The four records of action were as published follows:

– “Your Money’s Worth!: Freedom Party In Action! 1984-1991” (~1991)
– “On the Record!: Freedom Party In Action! 1984-1992” (~1992)
– “On the Record!: Freedom Party In Action! 1984-1994” (April, 1995)
– “On the Record!: Freedom Party In Action! 1984-1997” (July, 1997) Continue reading »

May 011997

“Second Wind” by Lloyd Walker and Robert Metz
“Drugs Should be Legalized” by Ray Monteith
“The Blessings of Saving Under Free Enterprise” by Mark Callen and Professor Walter Block
“Bottom Rung” by Elizabeth Larson and Professor Walter Block
“The Evils of Rent Control” by Gene McDonough and Professor Walter Block Continue reading »

Apr 011997

The Common Sense Shuffle The New Dealers and the Common Sense Shuffle; Politics and Poverty; Conference for Concerned Canadians A Success; Fireside Chat with Joe Armstrong; Divisional Court Fines London landlord for discrimination; Free Press defends lack of balance; FP’s Calendar of Canada features hundreds of historical references; Ontario Human Rights Commission produces ‘non-existent’ financial records; FP goes on record against tobacco prohibition; Monteith condemns Canadian drug policies: ‘Tell Washington to buzz off!’; FP refuses compliance with Ontario’s Commission On Election Finances. Continue reading »

Nov 011996

Freedom Party on the Internet The Big Switch and the Power of the Internet; FP Supports Government Initiative on Referenda; Ontario Human Rights Commission Appeals Board of Inquiry Ruling on Elijah Elieff; Freedom Party Files Freedom Of Information Request on Human Rights Commission; FP’s Robert Vaughan Campaigns For Freedom Of Choice In Education; Harris Agenda ‘Too Liberal’; Freedom Party launches World Wide Web Site; Freedom Briefs, and more! Continue reading »

Sep 011996

“Free Riders: Should Star Trek Be Regulated as a Monopoly?” by Gary North
“The Candle Makers” by Theresa Amalfitano & Professor Walter Block
“The Joy of Learning” being “How Children Develop Passive Minds (Part 3 of 3): An active mind” by R.N. Whitehead, Ph.D.
“Credibility Gap” by William Frampton
“Leading Questions” by Robert Metz Continue reading »