Aug 192003

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

Why Now is the Right Time to Lift Ontario’s Price Cap:
An Open Letter to Premier Ernie Eves

August 19, 2003 – “…a premier can either be disliked for cutting power even to people who are using hardly any, or he can be disliked by big-time power consumers for taking away daddy’s credit card. I recommend to you the capitalist method: eliminating, as soon as humanly possible, the 4.3 cent price cap. Here are a few reasons why…” [Click here to read the full letter]

Aug 182003

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

Ontario Electricity: Eves Misleading the Public

August 18, 2003 – Oshawa – “Ontario Premier Ernie Eves intentionally misled the public last night. On Sunday, Eves stated “My goal is to make Ontario self-reliant in electricity”, and explained that his plan includes increasing the supply of electricity. When later asked to reconcile his plan to make Ontario self-reliant with his claim that Ontario is already self-sufficient…” [Click here to read the full release]

Aug 062003

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

Repairing Ontario Auto Insurance: Ending Compulsory No-Fault?

August 6, 2003 – London, Ontario – Fp today released its draft policy on automobile insurance for public consultation. Your feedback is invited. Click here to get your copy of the draft. Click here to read the media release. [Click here to read the media release]

Jul 112003

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

U.S.A. Asks Freedom Party: Canada Friend or Foe?

July 11, 2003 – PROGRAM NOTICE – “[American television network] CBS effectively put Paul McKeever to the task of defending equal treatment for gays & lesbians, and the current legal use of marijuana. “This was a relatively rare and sweet opportunity for me to defend a Canadian love for individual freedom and responsibility that, in some respects, supercedes that of the country most famed for it. The memorable and saddening irony is that many Americans are actually seeing Canada’s de facto defence of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as anti-American…” [Click here to read the full release]

Jul 092003

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

Ontario Auto Insurance: The Problem is Compulsion

July 9, 2003 – Oshawa – “Early reports concerning the contents of Ontario’s Progressive Conservative White Paper on auto insurance make it clear that the Progressive Conservative plan is entirely missing the mark. “Desperate for a bump in the polls, the Progressive Conservatives are again demonstrating a dangerous and foolish fixation with price controls”, says Freedom Party leader Paul McKeever, “and, if the Progressive Conservatives get their way, drivers are going to be worse off than ever before…” [Click here to read the full release]

Jun 262003

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

Wedgie Implemented, What Have You Left to Offer Ontario, Mr. Eves?

June 26, 2003 – Oshawa – “With the passing into law of another ration of an education tax credit, and an age-discriminatory property tax cut for seniors, the most headline-grabbing “wedge issue” aspects of the Road Ahead platform have already been implemented. Freedom Party of Ontario Leader, Paul McKeever asks: “Why should anyone vote for Mr. Eves’ party now?…” [Click here to read the full release]

Jun 252003

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

Electricity: Don’t Blame God Ernie, Blame Decades of Red-Toryism

June 25, 2003 – Oshawa – “On Wednesday, we are expected to use up nearly all of the 25000 megawatts of power that is available to Ontario. The IMO is already planning rolling black-outs in case there isn’t enough electricity for everyone to use at the same time. And what do we get from the premier? A plea for God to intervene. I suppose, then, that Mr. Eves will consider it to be God’s fault if the power goes off in some places today? This is perhaps the most irresponsible premier in history…” [Click here to read the full release]

May 152003

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

Freedom Party Releases Election Platform: “The Right Direction”

May 15, 2003 – Oshawa – “The [education] tax credit is Progressive Conservative smoke an mirrors: it gives parents the power to choose schools, but leaves government with the power to make the rules about curriculum…” [Click here to read the full release]

May 152003


Letter from Paul McKeever; Choice in Education; Taxes, Borrowing and the Debt; Electricity: A Plan for a Bright Future; Corporate Welfare; Your Home and Your Town; Improving the Integrity of Elections; Health Care; Political Party Funding; The Same Rights for All Individuals; Closing Message.
Continue reading »

May 012003

A re-assembly of the right as Freedom Party: speech by Leader Paul McKeever; riding association workshop coverage in Belleville; “Far-Right fringe aiming to influence Ontario vote” (Globe and Mail); Signs Point to a Spring Election (London Free Press); Sarnia Observer profiles Fp candidate Andrew Falby; Lindsay Daily Post covers Charles Olito’s campaign in Haliburton-Victoria-Brock; Discipline, or “a Discipline”? Daily Post pokes fun at its own headline, attributes quote to Olito; Frampton one of four main candidates in London-West (The Reporter); Ray Monteith first out of the gates in Elgin-Middlesex-London (St. Thomas Times-Journal); McKeever quoted by National Post concerning Eves’ manipulative, vote-oriented mortgage interest deduction proposal. Continue reading »