Feb 102011

“Freedom Party leader Paul McKeever called for the creation in Ontario of a new 2015 Pan AM Games Lotto to cover the cost overruns that are already starting to pile up more than four years prior to the games. McKeever made the call on this morning’s John Oakley Show (AM640, Toronto – audio here)…” Click here to read the full media release.

Feb 012011

“Freedom Party of Ontario is calling for a freeze on all further Provincial bailouts of 2015 Toronto Pan Am Games building projects and a permanent policy against taxpayer funding for the hosting of all future international games events. Less than two weeks after the city of Toronto was stuck with a bill for an extra $47M in extra Pan Am costs, the Liberal government of Dalton McGuinty has agreed to stick all Ontario taxpayers with a bill for another $22.5B to help Hamilton secure Ivor Wynne Stadium as a Pan Am event location. The Pan Am Games organizing committee is expected to announce today that the renovated stadium will be a 2015 Pan Am games sports facility…” Click here to read the full media release.