May 112011

updates-blog-entryThose familiar with the Freedom Party of Ontario web site will know that the most recent Freedom Party activity of particular importance can be found on the What’s New page. Freedom Party also maintains a blog – – containing essentially the same updates, which has the advantage that google’s blog search makes each new development searchable by date. As of today, new entries to the Freedom Party Updates blog will post, automatically, to Freedom Party of Ontario’s twitter feed, .

May 072011

updates-blog-entryMay 6, 2011 – Radio Interview: Paul McKeever, leader, Freedom Party of Ontario was interviewed today on the program Friendly Fire with hosts Ryan Doyle and John Downs (CFRB 1010 AM, Toronto). The topic: Paul McKeever’s May 5, 2011 blog post about the Ontario Liberal government’s attempt to fake grassroots excitement on

Apr 222011

“In 1975, Ontario’s Progressive Conservatives introduced legislation that fined some retailers, and sent others to jail, for opening their stores on Christian holy days such as Good Friday and Easter Sunday. The law remains in force to this day. A 2011 election plank released today by Freedom Party of Ontario calls for the elimination of forced religious observance…” Click here to read the full media release.

Apr 042011

“Medicare is failing Ontario’s sick and injured because it was never intended to be a system focused on making them well. So argues the father of Medicare, Tommy Douglas, in a short new Freedom Party of Ontario pre-election video titled “From the Horse’s Mouth: Why Medicare is Failing Ontario’s Sick and Injured”. The video is being used to promote a 2011 election plank released today by Freedom Party of Ontario…” Click here to read the full media release.