Nov 242006


On November 24, 2006, Freedom Party of Ontario president Robert Metz and Bhagat Taggar (Human Rights Commission of Ontario) were panelists on “On the Line” with host Christine Williams. In this episode, the panel discusses Seinfeld star Michael Richards’ on stage comedy act in which he used the “N-word” at hecklers; is our political focus on the environment a result of being too happy to look at “real” isses?; immigration in Canada. Continue reading »

Oct 222006

2006-10-22.fptv-2.4-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
Episode 2: The Morning Commute. Part 4 of 4 parts. While driving to his office, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever discusses a range of topics. In this part: Paul McKeever’s theory on the morality of taxation; passion versus justice; Stephan Molyneux; meet the office; The Death of Wolfe. Recorded: October 20, 2006. Continue reading »

Oct 222006

2006-10-22.fptv-2.3-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
Episode 2: The Morning Commute. Part 3 of 4 parts. While driving to his office, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever discusses a range of topics. In this part: Ayn Rand’s Philosophy; Rand’s non-aggression principle; anti-philosophy, anarchism and libertarianism; Paul McKeever’s theory on the legitimacy and source of governmental authority. Recorded: October 20, 2006. Continue reading »

Oct 222006

2006-10-22.fptv-2.2-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

Episode 2: The Morning Commute. Part 2 of 4 parts. While driving to his office, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever discusses a range of topics. In this part: libertarianism; reality, reason and Freedom Party’s philosophy; kudos for Stephen Harper’s position on Israel, terrorism, and “neutrality”; Paul McKeever’s theory of the nature of democracy; obedience vs. independent thought. Recorded: October 20, 2006. Continue reading »

Oct 222006

2006-10-22.fptv-2.1-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

Episode 2: The Morning Commute. Part 1 of 4 parts. While driving to his office, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever discusses a range of topics. In this part: My son John Law; the York-Durham diesel train; follow-up to episode 1 re: the PCs; bacon, eggs, and Oakley for breakfast; funding the TTC; unions, strikes, essential services and slavery; Uxbridge growing pains; displacement, rubber, leather, and my Pontiac GXP; lay-offs, downsizings and economic turmoil. Recorded: October 20, 2006. Continue reading »

Oct 132006

“Freedom Party of Ontario today has launched “FPTV”, a “channel” on the popular website . FPTV will facilitate publicly-viewable two-way communications between party leader Paul McKeever and those who would like him to address questions or comments concerning the party, its leader, and the governance of Ontario…” Click here to read the full media release.