May 242018


On May 24, 2018, Freedom Party leader Paul McKeever was a guest of the Craig Needles Show (AM980, London, Ontario). Needles asked McKeever about Freedom Party’s election platform, including he party’s positions on balancing the budget, and on health care, electricity (unplugging wind and solar contracts), education (experiential learning and gender studies), London, Ontario’s Bus Rapid Transit (“BRT”) plan (McKeever and FP oppose provincial funding for it and oppose the plan itself) and more.




Audio Details:

Radio Program: The Craig Needles Show
Host: Craig Needles
Guest: Paul McKeever
Aired: May 24, 2018
Radio Station: CFPL-AM 980, London (Ontario)
Recorded: March 24, 2018
File Format: MP3

Interview: 23.5 MB – 19 mins: 35 secs – URL: