May 062013

2013-05-06.brookVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

May 6, 2014, Freedom Party of Ontario and the Toronto Objectivist Committee hosted a presentation by Dr. Yaron Brook (executive director of the Ayn Rand Institute) on the subject of the Morality of Capitalism. The presentation was made at the Medical Sciences Building at the University of Toronto (St. George Campus), 1 King’s College Circle, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A8.




Video Details:

Recorded: May 6, 2013
Video and Audio recording: Robert Vaughan
Editing and Production: Robert Vaughan
Featuring: Yaron Brook (Executive Director, Ayn Rand Institute), Ted Harlson (member, Freedom Party of Ontario and the Toronto Objectivist Committee)
Released: November 18, 2014
Released on:
Duration: 1 hour, 41 minutes, 53 seconds
Color/BW: Full colour