Apr 132005

“…The Harris-Manning proposals are backed by research by well-respected economists”, says McKeever. “And, because many of the bold policies proposed by Misters Harris and Manning virtually mirror those set out by Freedom Party in its provincial and federal election platforms, Freedom Party is feeling somewhat vindicated today…” [Click here to read the full release]

Jan 192005

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

Private Health Services + Tax Revenues = Ontario Disaster

January 19, 2005 – Oshawa – “…Tory’s proposed system is known to economists and politicos as ‘corporatism’ or ‘the third way’. This proposal for corporatism is naively made, and would be ineffective, if not dangerous”, says Freedom Party of Ontario leader, Paul McKeever…” [Click here to read the full release]

Jan 182005

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

Private, for Profit Health Care Option Now

January 18, 2005 – Oshawa – “With the news that $91M of the McGuinty government’s $200M bail-out to hospitals will be spent on severance packages for nurses, the Freedom Party of Ontario is proposing that Ontarians be given the option of buying private, for profit health care, instead of paying for the government’s plan through taxes…” [Click here to read the full release]

Aug 012004

The 2003 Election Campaign: Election Call Timing Forced by Freedom Party Campaign; Fp Platform Stresses Health Care, Education, Electricity; Two Dozen Candidates Propel Freedom Party to Provincial Stage; Opportunity Calling; Freedom Party Message Ignored, Loved, Hated; “Just Blow Me” advert; McKeever Targets Eves’ Socialism; Perfect Fit; Tories Roasted at debate; Letter of the Day. Continue reading »

Oct 012003


On October 1, 2003, the day before voting in the Ontario provincial election, Freedom Party of Ontario lead Paul McKeever was a panelist on Toronto cable channel CP24’s “Hour Town” program, hosted by Adam Vaughan. Issues discussed included auto insurance, health care, electricity, social housing, and a gasoline tax the revenues of which are earmarked for public transit. Continue reading »

Sep 112003


During the Ontario provincial election of 2003, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever was a guest of TVO’s “Studio 2” program, where he was interviewed by Steve Paikin. Topics discussed include: electricity, education, health care, auto insurance, property taxes. Continue reading »

May 152003


Letter from Paul McKeever; Choice in Education; Taxes, Borrowing and the Debt; Electricity: A Plan for a Bright Future; Corporate Welfare; Your Home and Your Town; Improving the Integrity of Elections; Health Care; Political Party Funding; The Same Rights for All Individuals; Closing Message.
Continue reading »