Nov 211996

1996-xx-xx.fp-logo-radio-thumbAUDIO – DESCRIPTION:

In the wake of the Ontario Medical Association’s (OMA) call for a legal ban on smoking tobacco in the private homes of pregnant women or small children (which the OMA calls “a form of child abuse”), Freedom Party president Robert Metz was invited to square off against Dr. Terry Polovoy of Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada, on ‘Hot Talk’, Radio 98’s daily open-line program hosted by Gord Harris.

Note: This broadcast was reported in Freedom Flyer #31

Whole Recording:
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May 011996

“Embrace the Challenge” being “How Children Develop Passive Minds (Part 2 of 3): Motivation, the road to an active mind” by R.N. Whitehead, Ph.D.
“Medi-myth” by Timothy Bloedow
“No Conspiracy?” by George Potter
“Discrimination: The Positive Perspective” by Vaughan Byrnes
“Stoning Nixon” by William H. Peterson Continue reading »

Mar 011996

Making Room For Freedom In The ‘Common Sense Revolution’ Pink Influences in the Big Blue Machine; Don’t throw eggs at Premier, throw roses; ‘Impotent union leadership’ criticized, condemned; Metz debates Hargrove, Manners; National Attention focused on counter-protest to union strike; Committee says ‘NO!’ to Freedom Party; Human Rights Commission likened to Gestapo; Vaughan generating controversy; Rent Control, Medicare, Freedom Briefs, and more! Continue reading »

Jun 011995

During the Ontario general election of 1995, CFPL-TV, in London, Ontario, interviewed the leaders of Ontario’s registered political parties. At that time, Freedom Party of Ontario’s leader was Jack Plant. In this fast-paced interview, Plant is asked about the party’s 1995 election platform, including its position on voting, Freedom Party’s proposal for a Taxpayer Protection Act, “social assistance”, health care, Ontario’s Human Rights Commission, and choice in education. Continue reading »

May 011992

“Caught in the Safety Net” by Robert Metz
“How to Deal with Quebec” by William Frampton
“Reconciliation: Economics and Environment – Part 4: The Third Drawer” by Walter Block
“Capitalism: Host of the Party” by Robert Metz
“Commitment to Excellence” by Peter V. Catlos
“No More Aid for Africa” by George B.N. Ayittey
“The Continuing Threat: Marxism” by Kenneth Hilborn Continue reading »

Sep 041990

1985-fpo-radio-thumbAUDIO – DESCRIPTION:

Two days before voting day in the Ontario election of 1990, Robert Metz – then leader of Freedom Party of Ontario – was the guest of the London, Ontario talk radio program Talkback (with host Anne Hutchison). With the exception of a call about land deals in London, most callers were interested in talking about health care. One caller recalled affordably buying health care insurance for $30 per month for a family of six in the years prior to 1969, when Ontario’s Progressive Conservative government banned private health care and instituted Ontario’s socialized health care monopoly. Another, defending Ontario’s socialist health care monopoly, called to say that each individual is his “brother’s keeper”. Another insinuated, falsely, that Metz and Freedom Party wanted a system akin to that in the United States. Openly opposing “univeral” health care, Metz’s reply was that the issues of health care and poverty are separate issues, and that Ontario residents should have a choice when it comes to paying for health care or helping the poor.

Most commercials have been removed from this recording, but election commercials by the Progressive Conservative Party, the Ontario Medical Association, a union, and the New Democratic Party have not been removed from the recording. Pay particular attention to the fact that, even in 1990, even Ontario’s doctors were saying that the Ontario health care system was leaving people suffering – even dying – in the health care queues and under-service that necessarily has constantly plagued the Ontario government’s rationed (i.e., socialist) health care monopoly since its inception in 1969.

NOTE: This recording was reconstructed from two cassette recordings of the same broadcast. One of the cassettes (captured as included no commercials (they had been skipped during the recording process), but the other (captured as tape-2012.013.mp3) had a couple of election commercials that originally made onto a cassette tape. During most of tape-2012.013.mp3, music can be heard playing as if in the background, and the signal tails off dramatically toward the end. However, the political commercials from that recording have been added to the other recording to create this reconstructed recording for archival purposes.

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Jul 011989


“A Reign of Ignorance and Irrationality” by Kenneth H.W. Hilborn
“Africa’s Market Heritage” by George B.N. Ayittey
” “Take My Lumber, Please” ” by Walter Block
“Dangerous to Our Health” by William Frampton
“Only Rights Reveal the Wrongs of Democracy” by Greg Jones
“Insuring Disaster” by David Pengelly Continue reading »