Jun 011994

Today’s Choice For Tomorrow! “Freedom Party’s eventual electability fully depends upon our commitment to the very principles many believe prevent us from getting elected.”; Freedom Party’s official submission to the Royal Commission on Learning; New Party Leader: Jack Plant; Executive changes; FP campaigns against taxi monopoly; Prohibition a failure, says Metz; School board budgets; Tax protests, and more! Continue reading »

Jun 011993

The Myth of Fair Taxation; NDP Fair Tax Commission promotes higher taxes; Judge accuses alternate parties of advancing own political agendas; Fp leader defends London landlord against Human Rights commission charges (the banned article!); Alternative parties protest federal restrictions; Education delegation sends message to Queen’s Park; and some more Freedom Briefs. Continue reading »

Jun 011993

1993.metz-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
In 1993, Inquiry (CFPL TV, London) panelists Robert Metz (President, Freedom Party of Ontario), Louise Karch (Gay Rights Activist), David Brownstone (London AIDS Committee), and Debbie Normand (parent) discuss gay parenting and the defeat of a motion at the London Board of Education to cancel a gay and lesbian parenting workshop from an upcoming family conference. Continue reading »

Jul 011992

Freedom Party launches public awareness campaign: Schools Failing Our Children!; Freedom Party defends profit principle in daycare; Fp’s ‘Whole Language’ bulletin termed ‘hate literature’; School mobilizes students against Freedom Party; Just what is ‘Whole Language’, anyway? Continue reading »

Jun 091992

1992-06-09.news-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
On June 9, 1992, London, Ontario’s board of education held a meeting of its Program Standings Committee. There was concern in the community over the ineffectiveness of use of the “whole language” method, which was being used to teach children to read in London Schools. Freedom Party had published a guide titled “Just Say Know to Whole Language”, which informed area parents of the philosophy and purposes behind using the Whole Language approach. The community was rightly alarmed. At the board hearing, Freedom Party president Robert Metz did a presentation based upon FP’s guide, and it landed him in the middle of a news report on CFPL TV in London that day.

Metz’s presentation was just one of dozens of anti-“whole language” presentations made to the London Board of Education by parents and educators. In his presentation Metz offered a solution to the education dilemma: parental and taxpayer choice in how their education tax dollars are spent.

During his presentation, Metz reviewed the literacy problems faced under ‘whole language’ and contrasted them with the positive approach of phonics making it clear that, “Given a choice, I would never have my child exposed to the ‘whole language’ cult.” Continue reading »

Jun 091992


Includes: Reproduction from “A Parent’s Guide to Whole Language” distributed by the London Board of Education; What is whole language?; Just say ‘know’ — to ‘whole language: Learn the 10 alibis used to excuse the failure of whole language; Whole language aliases; Still failing our children: March 28, 1992 presentation to the London Board of Education’s public budget hearings (delivered by then Freedom Party Robert Metz); The hidden costs of whole language (private presentation to London’s Board of Education made by then Freedom Party secretary Robert Vaughan on March 28, 1992); No phonics in Perth County (reproduced from the Perth County Board of Education Newsletter, April 1992, Vol.3 No. 3); Confusion over whole language reflected in media (reproduced from the Toronto Star, April 18, 1992); Whole language versus phonics references; Parents tell horror stories of poor work (Toronto Star, May 24, 1992); The writing on the wall (The Sunday Times, September 9, 1990); Language learning battle lines drawn (London Free Press, June 8, 1992); Whole language alibis and aliases in action; Parents want more leaning, less theory (London Free Press, June 8, 1992). Continue reading »

May 011992

“Caught in the Safety Net” by Robert Metz
“How to Deal with Quebec” by William Frampton
“Reconciliation: Economics and Environment – Part 4: The Third Drawer” by Walter Block
“Capitalism: Host of the Party” by Robert Metz
“Commitment to Excellence” by Peter V. Catlos
“No More Aid for Africa” by George B.N. Ayittey
“The Continuing Threat: Marxism” by Kenneth Hilborn Continue reading »