Nov 011996

Freedom Party on the Internet The Big Switch and the Power of the Internet; FP Supports Government Initiative on Referenda; Ontario Human Rights Commission Appeals Board of Inquiry Ruling on Elijah Elieff; Freedom Party Files Freedom Of Information Request on Human Rights Commission; FP’s Robert Vaughan Campaigns For Freedom Of Choice In Education; Harris Agenda ‘Too Liberal’; Freedom Party launches World Wide Web Site; Freedom Briefs, and more! Continue reading »

Sep 011996

“Free Riders: Should Star Trek Be Regulated as a Monopoly?” by Gary North
“The Candle Makers” by Theresa Amalfitano & Professor Walter Block
“The Joy of Learning” being “How Children Develop Passive Minds (Part 3 of 3): An active mind” by R.N. Whitehead, Ph.D.
“Credibility Gap” by William Frampton
“Leading Questions” by Robert Metz Continue reading »

May 011996

“Embrace the Challenge” being “How Children Develop Passive Minds (Part 2 of 3): Motivation, the road to an active mind” by R.N. Whitehead, Ph.D.
“Medi-myth” by Timothy Bloedow
“No Conspiracy?” by George Potter
“Discrimination: The Positive Perspective” by Vaughan Byrnes
“Stoning Nixon” by William H. Peterson Continue reading »

Mar 011996

Making Room For Freedom In The ‘Common Sense Revolution’ Pink Influences in the Big Blue Machine; Don’t throw eggs at Premier, throw roses; ‘Impotent union leadership’ criticized, condemned; Metz debates Hargrove, Manners; National Attention focused on counter-protest to union strike; Committee says ‘NO!’ to Freedom Party; Human Rights Commission likened to Gestapo; Vaughan generating controversy; Rent Control, Medicare, Freedom Briefs, and more! Continue reading »

Dec 011995

“Kids First!” by Cheryl Stewart & Sandra Evans
“Our Most Serious Consideration” by Gordon Domm
“How Children Develop Passive Minds (Part 1 of 3): Why it happens and what we can do about it” by R.N. Whitehead, Ph.D.
“Is the Federal Income Tax Act Unconstitutional?” by Paul McKeever Continue reading »

Sep 011995

“Body of Knowledge” by Cathy Frampton
“Drawing the Line: Property Rights and the Aboriginal Question” by Robert Metz
“In Defence of Discomfort” by Doreen Kimura
“Multiculturalism Undermines Values” by Dick Field
“Cannadabis: A History of Cannabis Prohibition in Canada” by Dana Larsen & Marc Emery
“The Second Carrot” by Murray Hopper Continue reading »

Jun 011995

During the Ontario general election of 1995, CFPL-TV, in London, Ontario, interviewed the leaders of Ontario’s registered political parties. At that time, Freedom Party of Ontario’s leader was Jack Plant. In this fast-paced interview, Plant is asked about the party’s 1995 election platform, including its position on voting, Freedom Party’s proposal for a Taxpayer Protection Act, “social assistance”, health care, Ontario’s Human Rights Commission, and choice in education. Continue reading »

Apr 011995

Don’t Get MAD. Get FREEDOM. Why your vote doesn’t count – unless you vote for the winner; FP sets agenda at Elections Commission; FP recommends policies to Reform Party; ‘Just Window Dressing’ says Plant on education budget process; and Freedom Briefs! Our pre-election issue! ‘The future belongs to freedom – IF we are to have a future.’ Continue reading »