Dec 122006

2006-12-12.fptv-3-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
Were you to take media reports and MPPs’ statements at face value, you might wrongly come to the conclusion that, before December 12, 2006, Ontario law required all employees to retire at age 65. In this episode of FPTV, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever explains the real meaning and effect of Ontario’s Bill 211, which came into effect on December 12, 2006. Continue reading »

Oct 222006

2006-10-22.fptv-2.4-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
Episode 2: The Morning Commute. Part 4 of 4 parts. While driving to his office, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever discusses a range of topics. In this part: Paul McKeever’s theory on the morality of taxation; passion versus justice; Stephan Molyneux; meet the office; The Death of Wolfe. Recorded: October 20, 2006. Continue reading »

Oct 222006

2006-10-22.fptv-2.3-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
Episode 2: The Morning Commute. Part 3 of 4 parts. While driving to his office, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever discusses a range of topics. In this part: Ayn Rand’s Philosophy; Rand’s non-aggression principle; anti-philosophy, anarchism and libertarianism; Paul McKeever’s theory on the legitimacy and source of governmental authority. Recorded: October 20, 2006. Continue reading »

Oct 222006

2006-10-22.fptv-2.2-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

Episode 2: The Morning Commute. Part 2 of 4 parts. While driving to his office, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever discusses a range of topics. In this part: libertarianism; reality, reason and Freedom Party’s philosophy; kudos for Stephen Harper’s position on Israel, terrorism, and “neutrality”; Paul McKeever’s theory of the nature of democracy; obedience vs. independent thought. Recorded: October 20, 2006. Continue reading »

Oct 222006

2006-10-22.fptv-2.1-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

Episode 2: The Morning Commute. Part 1 of 4 parts. While driving to his office, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever discusses a range of topics. In this part: My son John Law; the York-Durham diesel train; follow-up to episode 1 re: the PCs; bacon, eggs, and Oakley for breakfast; funding the TTC; unions, strikes, essential services and slavery; Uxbridge growing pains; displacement, rubber, leather, and my Pontiac GXP; lay-offs, downsizings and economic turmoil. Recorded: October 20, 2006. Continue reading »

Apr 122003

2003-04-12.dinner-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On April 12, 2003, Freedom Party held its second of two dinners in anticipation of Ontario’s 2003 provincial general election. Party president Robert Metz commenced the presentations and introduced party leader Paul McKeever, who explained the importance of knowing exactly what democracy is, and what it is not, and why it must be defended. Bill Frampton, the party’s vice-president at the time, gave a short speech in his dual capacity as MC and as candidate in the riding of London West. A number of Freedom Party’s candidates then each took a couple of minutes to introduce themselves, including Rob Smink, Gord Mood, Wayne Simmons, Dick Field (who gave a very spirited and particularly well-received speech), Carol Leborg, Charles Olito, and Franz Cauchi. Continue reading »

Nov 302002

2002-11-30.mckeever-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On November 30, 2002, Freedom Party of Ontario held its first of two Ontario provincial general Election 2003 dinners. The dinner was held in London, Ontario. Master of Ceremonies Robert Vaughan introduced the dinner’s two speakers: FPO president Robert Metz and FPO’s then-new leader, Paul McKeever. Metz gave a state of the party speech. This was the first Freedom Party dinner in which Paul McKeever gave a speech as the party’s leader. Continue reading »

Sep 212002

2002-09-21.belleville-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On September 21, 2002, Freedom Party of Ontario held its first Constituency Association workshop, for the riding of Prince Edward-Hastings, in anticipation of the 2003 provincial general election. It was the first public meeting held since the party’s adoption of its first official constitution and statement of policies (as opposed to election platforms), and since the launch of the new FPO website, (form 1996 to 2002, the party’s official website had been located at, which thereafter became the official website for Freedom Party International, which is not an electoral political party but an educational arm of the organization). After an initial speech by FPO’s education critic, Robert Vaughan, party president Robert Metz provided attendees with a history of the party, and Paul McKeever gave his first public speech as the party’s new leader. Continue reading »

Nov 242001

2001-11-24.hilborn-thompson-terrorism-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

Following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and the commencement of war in Afghanistan (starting October 7, 2001), Freedom Party held an informative dinner in London featuring two experts, Dr. Kenneth Hilborn (Professor Emeritus of History at the University of Western Ontario) and John C. Thompson (Executive Director of the Mackenzie Institute). This video commences with a brief contextual overview of the events which preceded the dinner. Note: expletives have not been “beeped” out of the footage, and some may find some of the images in the overview – including the bombing and collapse of the World Trade Towers – to be disturbing. Govern yourself accordingly. Continue reading »