Aug 282000

2000-10-31.mckeever-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
On August 28, 2000, Paul McKeever (Freedom Party of Ontario) was a guest of Rhonda London Live. In this episode, McKeever discussed with host Rhonda London proposed changes to Ontario’s Employment Standards Act, especially concerning an increase to 60 of the maximum number of hours that an employee can work for an employer each week. Also a guest on this episode: Brian O’Keefe (Secretary Treasurer, Canadian Union of Public Employees). Continue reading »

Aug 012000

2000-08-01.metz-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
On August 1, 2000, Robert Metz (President, Freedom Party of Ontario) was a guest of Rhonda London Live. In this episode, Metz discussed with host Rhonda London an Ontario Progressive Conservative proposal for mandatory drug testing for welfare recipients. Also guests on this episode: Joe Cordiano (Liberal Party of Ontario critic for Community and Social Services) and Andrea Calver (Ontario Coalition for Social Justice). Continue reading »

Mar 302000

2002-xx-xx.mckeever-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On March 30, 2000, then Freedom Party spokesperson Paul McKeever, Bernie Farber (Canadian Jewish Congress), Marvin Kurz (legal counsel, B’nai Brith Canada), and David Auston Mercury (criminal lawyer) were the panelists who appeared on Michael Coren Live! with host Michael Coren to discuss a Criminal Code provision that imposes higher sentences for crimes motivated by hate. Continue reading »

Nov 011999


On November 1, 1999, then Freedom Party spokesperson Paul McKeever, Cheryl McConney (host of “Daytime”), Trevor Wilson (diversity strategist), and Adrienne Snow (policy analyst with NFFRE) were panelists on Michael Coren Live! (CTS). The topic of discussion: “racial” (i.e., genetic) diversity in the workplace, and employment equity / affirmative action laws or hiring quotas. Continue reading »

Aug 131999

1999-08-13.metz-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
On August 13, 1999, Robert Metz (President, Freedom Party of Ontario) was a guest of Rhonda London Live. In this episode, Metz and host Rhonda London discuss affirmative action; a complaint by an applicant to the University of Michigan’s law school, who was not admitted – though others with similar qualifications were – because she did not fall into a preferred “racial” group for affirmative action purposes; and the repeal in Ontario of “employment equity” legislation. Rhonda asks: Is affirmative action a step in the right direction, or is it racism? Also a guest in this episode: Daina Green (Labour Advisor, Executive member of the Alliance for Employment Equity). Continue reading »

Jul 281999

1999-06-28.mckeever-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
On July 28, 1999, Paul McKeever (Freedom Party of Ontario) was a guest of Rhonda London Live. In this episode, McKeever discussed with host Rhonda London a decision by the CRTC not to regulate the Internet, and the issue of hate speech laws versus free speech. Also a guest on this episode: Sol Littman (Simon Wiesenthal Centre). Continue reading »

May 131999


On May 13, 1999, Freedom Party leader Paul McKeever, Paul William Roberts (author), Anwar Syed (Canadian Muslim Civil Liberties Association) and Rukhsana Khan (author), were panelists on Michael Coren Live! (CTS). The topic of discussion: Salman Rushdie (author of “The Satanic Verses”) and the fatwa issued on February 14, 1989 by Iran’s then “supreme leader” Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini calling upon all Muslims to kill Rushdie for having insulted the Prophet Mohammed in “The Satanic Verses”, a book that Khomeini said was “blasphemous against Islam”. Continue reading »

Apr 211999

1999-04-21.metz-ryan-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
On April 21, 1999, Robert Metz (President, Freedom Party of Ontario) and Sid Ryan (President of the Canadian Union of Public Employees in Ontario – CUPE) were panelists on an episode of Rhonda London Live. In this episode, the panel discusses a recent strike by Toronto Transit Commission workers and the relevance of unions today. Continue reading »