Dec 052010


This video was released to promote the party’s 2011 election plank: Separating Prayer from Official Government Proceedings.

Transcript: “Since 9/11, Canadian soldiers have continued to be murdered by people who believe that government should be the hand of god. But did you know that, in 2008, Ontario’s Liberals and Progressive Conservatives decided officially to open the Ontario Legislature’s daily proceedings with prayers to Allah and several other gods? Democracy’s enemies must learn that, in Ontario, the government has no authority other than that delegated to it by the people it serves. A Freedom government will eliminate official prayer in the Ontario Legislature. Freedom Party: defending democracy.” Continue reading »

Nov 212010

updates-blog-entryNovember 21, 2010 – Freedom Party leader Paul McKeever spoke with a “class” of Freedom Party members, supporters, and potential candidates concerning the party’s views on the proper philosophy and role of government. The class was video and audio taped. The video can be watched on the Freedom Party International YouTube channel. Titled “Freedom School, Episode 3” the video is divided into four parts.

Nov 202010


On November 20, 2010, Freedom Party of Ontario held its pre-election “Breaking with Tradition” dinner at the Wellington Room of the Station Park Inn, in London, Ontario. The theme of the dinner was “Breaking with Tradition”.

This is part 3 of three parts of the video footage from the dinner: Freedom Party leader, Paul McKeever, gives a speech about Freedom Party of Ontario’s plans for Ontario’s October 6, 2011 general election. Continue reading »

Nov 202010


On November 20, 2010, Freedom Party of Ontario held its pre-election “Breaking with Tradition” dinner at the Wellington Room of the Station Park Inn, in London, Ontario. The theme of the dinner was “Breaking with Tradition”.

This is part 2 of three parts of the video footage from the dinner: Robert Metz gives a brief speech on pursuing individual freedom, and shows two video collages: the first featuring the radio program he co-hosts with Robert Vaughan (“Just Right”, CHRW 94.9FM, London, Ontario – airs Thursdays at 11:00 to 12:00…all episodes are available in the online archive), the second featuring some of the efforts of Freedom Party leader Paul McKeever to promote individual freedom. Continue reading »

Nov 202010


On November 20, 2010, Freedom Party of Ontario held its pre-election “Breaking with Tradition” dinner at the Wellington Room of the Station Park Inn, in London, Ontario. The theme of the dinner was “Breaking with Tradition”.

This is part 1 of three parts of the video footage from the dinner: A Toast to Freedom, and Robert Vaughan’s Condemnation of Conservative Parties. Continue reading »

Nov 202010

updates-blog-entryNovember 20, 2010 – Freedom Party held a sold-out dinner today at London’s Station Park Inn for party members and supporters. Freedom Party’s Robert Vaughan admonished Conservative parties for taking him down the garden path, wasting his time and money. Freedom Party President Robert Metz gave a presentation showing how Freedom Party members are complimenting Freedom Party’s advocacy of Freedom by way of radio and video programs. Party leader Paul McKeever laid out the party’s strategy and tactics heading into the October 6, 2011 election, and disclosed some of the main issues that will be tackled by the party’s election planks as they continue to be released. Update: Videos of the three presentations are now available. Watch them, below. Continue reading »