On October 21, 2021, Freedom Party president Robert Metz hosted an episode of the radio show “Just Right” that focused on the nature, scope, and purpose of rights, and on the propriety such things as a ban against collectivist discrimination (race, sex, vaccination-status, etc.). Just Right described the episode as follows:
Under their agenda of requiring vaccination passports presented to both public (government) and private service providers alike, politicians have created a political target for discrimination: the so-called ‘unvaccinated.’
In opposition, our guest – leader of the Freedom Party of Ontario Paul McKeever – has called for an outright legal ban on discrimination based on vaccination status. Because such a ban would apply to private businesses and service providers, the question has arisen as to whether such a prohibition represents a violation of private property rights and freedom of association.
Not so, argues Paul in a written report he has called ‘The Rights Argument: a self-destructive perversion of rights.’ Most significantly, notes Paul, the ‘rights argument’ – routinely made by freedom advocates themselves – is perfectly consistent with the establishment of a fascist society. Under this theory, the usual source of individual rights has been described as ‘God-given’ or ‘natural’ or ‘morally-based.’
The classic error made by the ‘rights argument’ is to assume that ‘rights’ – however defined – exist independently of any government or law. Rights are not ‘ethical’ in nature: they are ‘political.’ Rights concern not ‘shoulds’ but ‘shalls.’
The ‘rights argument’ fails to protect rights because it fails to recognize that rights exist to serve the purpose of defending human nature, concludes Paul.
One thing is certain. Unless rights – political and legal – are fully understood in a way that is Just Right, we soon won’t have any.
Whole Episode:
Audio Details:
Radio Program: Just Right (
Episode: 729
Host: Robert Metz
Just Right show link:
Aired: October 21, 2021
Radio Stations: WBCQ in Monticello Maine on 7490 KHz shortwave (7:00 PM to 8:00 PM) and Channel 292 Germany on 6070 KHz from 1900 UTC to 2000 UTC
File Format: MP3
URL (Whole Episode – 71.8 MB – 59 mins: 42 secs) –