Feb 282011


On the Stafford Show (NewsTalk 1010 AM, CFRB Toronto, with host Mike Stafford) Freedom Party leader Paul McKeever calls-in to discuss the beer tax and Freedom Party of Ontario’s “Eliminate Beer and Wine Taxes” 2011 election plank.

Listen to the entire show:

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Feb 212011


This video was released to promote the party’s 2011 election plank: Cancel the 2012 Ban on Incandescent Light Bulbs .

Transcript: “Dalton McGuinty’s Liberals want to ban the incandescent bulb in 2012. Tim Hudak’s Progressive Conservatives have wanted them banned since 2007. Ontario has no shortage of electricity. A Freedom government will not ban the incandescent bulb. Switch-on to Freedom Party.” Continue reading »

Feb 212011

“In April of 2007, Ontario’s Liberal McGuinty government vowed to ban incandescent light bulbs in 2012. The Progressive Conservatives wanted the ban to take place immediately, in 2007. A 2011 election plank issued today by Freedom Party of Ontario says surplus energy makes the 2012 ban unnecessary, and proposes that the ban be cancelled…” Click here to read the full media release.

Feb 102011


On the John Oakley Show (AM640, Toronto) Paul McKeever, leader, Freedom Party of Ontario discussed Freedom Party’s opposition to taxpayer funding for the 2015 Toronto Pan Am Games.

Listen to the entire conversation:

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Feb 102011

“Freedom Party leader Paul McKeever called for the creation in Ontario of a new 2015 Pan AM Games Lotto to cover the cost overruns that are already starting to pile up more than four years prior to the games. McKeever made the call on this morning’s John Oakley Show (AM640, Toronto – audio here)…” Click here to read the full media release.