On February 21, 2002, Robert Metz (President, Freedom Party of Ontario) was a guest of Rhonda Live. In this episode, Metz discussed with host Rhonda Glenn a call by Jewish, Islamic, and Sikh communities for an investigation into a “skinhead” website for allegedly violating hate laws, and a call by NDP leader Howard Hampton for a tougher approach to hate crimes. Also guests in this episode: Bernie Farber (Canadian Jewish Congress), Mohammad Osman Yassine (Association of London Muslims).
Video Details:
Television Station: CTS
Program: Rhonda Live
Host: Rhonda Glenn (née London)
Featuring: Robert Metz (President, Freedom Party of Ontario), Bernie Farber (Canadian Jewish Congress), Mohammad Osman Yassine (Association of London Muslims).
Aired: February 21, 2002
Duration: 47 minutes, 33 seconds
Color/BW: Full colour