Dec 011995

“Kids First!” by Cheryl Stewart & Sandra Evans
“Our Most Serious Consideration” by Gordon Domm
“How Children Develop Passive Minds (Part 1 of 3): Why it happens and what we can do about it” by R.N. Whitehead, Ph.D.
“Is the Federal Income Tax Act Unconstitutional?” by Paul McKeever Continue reading »

Sep 281995

1996-xx-xx.fp-logo-media-release-thumbOn September 28, 1995, Freedom Party of Ontario notified the media that, at its September 30, 1995 dinner, Freedom Party of Ontario’s guest speaker would be author Joe C.W. Armstrong, who would speak on the subject of “Racism Rampant in a Victim Culture”. Click here to read the release.





Document Details:

Document: Media Release
Document Dated: September 28, 1995
Publisher: Freedom Party of Ontario
Author: Robert Metz
Document Type: Media Release
Number of Pages: 2
Page dimensions: 8.5″ x 11″
Color/BW: Full colour

Archive format: .pdf (searchable exact); size: 3.5 MB; URL:

Sep 071995

Two-page hardcopy letter from Robert Metz to members and supporters of Freedom Party of Ontario, inviting them to Freedom Party’s September 30, 1995 dinner, featuring guest speaker Joe C.W. Armstrong, who would speak on the topic of “Racism Rampant in a Victim Culture”. Mailed to members and supporters via Canada Post. Enclosures include: promotional poster (8.5″x11″) and a response form. Continue reading »

Sep 011995

“Body of Knowledge” by Cathy Frampton
“Drawing the Line: Property Rights and the Aboriginal Question” by Robert Metz
“In Defence of Discomfort” by Doreen Kimura
“Multiculturalism Undermines Values” by Dick Field
“Cannadabis: A History of Cannabis Prohibition in Canada” by Dana Larsen & Marc Emery
“The Second Carrot” by Murray Hopper Continue reading »

Jul 011995

Freedom Party In Election ’95. Top ten reasons to support Freedom Party in Election ’95; Freedom Party fields dozen candidates; Media bias hampers campaign effectiveness; Credible election platform insulted with ‘fringe’ label; Candidate and campaign highlights and media coverage; FP election results at a glance; and more Freedom Briefs! Continue reading »

May 241995 May 24, 1995, Freedom Party of Ontario notified the media that Freedom Party would be hosting its “Election ’95” dinner in London, Ontario.






Document Details:

Document: Media Release
Document Dated: May 24, 1995
Publisher: Freedom Party of Ontario
Author: Robert Metz
Document Type: Letter
Number of Pages: 1
Page dimensions: 8.5″ x 11″
Color/BW: Full colour

Archive format: .pdf (searchable exact); size: 7.0 MB; URL:

May 081995

Two-page hardcopy letter from Robert Metz to members and supporters of Freedom Party of Ontario, inviting them to Freedom Party’s Ontario provincial general “Election ’95” dinner, featuring a speech by Freedom Party’s then-new leader, Jack Plant. Mailed to members and supporters via Canada Post. Enclosures include: a response form. Continue reading »

Apr 011995

Document Description:
This booklet is one of four records of action published by Freedom Party of Ontario to give its members and supporters a brief overview of its activities since the party’s founding in 1984. The four records of action were as published follows:

– “Your Money’s Worth!: Freedom Party In Action! 1984-1991” (~1991)
– “On the Record!: Freedom Party In Action! 1984-1992” (~1992)
– “On the Record!: Freedom Party In Action! 1984-1994” (April, 1995)
– “On the Record!: Freedom Party In Action! 1984-1997” (July, 1997) Continue reading »

Apr 011995

Don’t Get MAD. Get FREEDOM. Why your vote doesn’t count – unless you vote for the winner; FP sets agenda at Elections Commission; FP recommends policies to Reform Party; ‘Just Window Dressing’ says Plant on education budget process; and Freedom Briefs! Our pre-election issue! ‘The future belongs to freedom – IF we are to have a future.’ Continue reading »