Jun 171985

Freedom Party’s campaign against taxpayer funding for the 1991 Pan Am Games met with success in June of 1985. Otto Jelinek, Canada’s Minister of State, Fitness, and Amateur Sport, announced that the federal government would not fund the 1991 Pan Am Games. Without federal tax funding, the London bid committee’s bid to host the 1991 Pan Am Games would fail.

Freedom Party’s No Tax for Pan Am Committee had distributed cards to Londoners which they could sign and send to Jelinek, asking that the games not be funded with federal tax revenues. Jelinek replied Robert Metz’s card with this letter, advising that there would be no federal funding for the games. Continue reading »

Jun 051985

Victory!; Thanks!; More-Tax for Pan-Am committee launching own door-to-door campaign; Indianapolis taxpayers association defeates taxes for 1987 Pan-Am games; No-Tax for Pan-Am Committee receives over 1,000 cards and letters of support; Our Pan-Am phone survey finds 70% opposed to tax financing for games; We were right!; More-tax for Games lobby opens booth in City Centre Mall; Controller Ron Annis suggests way for Bid Committee to deal with “ignorant, misinformed” opposition; The disease is spreading; Names and contact information of local politicians who voted in favour of Pan-Am 1991 tax funding; We finally make a convert!; The Mayor responds to one of our supporters…and we respond to him; Pan-Am Games could be held in London southwestern Ontario without building expensive white elephants; Some interesting facts on the 1988 Calgary Olympics; Effects of the Pan-Am Games; Expo disaster after Expo disaster.

Document Details:

Document: No-tax for Pan-Am Games Newsletter (Issue #5) – Victory Edition
Document Dated: March-June 1985
Publisher: Freedom Party of Ontario (No-tax for Pan-am Committee)
Written by: Marc Emery
Edited by: Robert Metz
Document Type: Party Newsletter
Number of Pages: 16
Page dimensions: 8.5″ x 11″
Color/BW: Full colour

.pdf (10.7 MB) – Internet Quick Download (Searchable): https://freedomparty.on.ca/archive/documents/between-elections-campaigns/no-tax-for-pan-am-games/no-tax-for-pan-am-games-newsletter/1985-03-to-06-xx.ntfpag.no-5.internet-quick-download.pdf

.pdf (29.4 MB) – Archive Quality (Searchable Exact): https://freedomparty.on.ca/archive/documents/between-elections-campaigns/no-tax-for-pan-am-games/no-tax-for-pan-am-games-newsletter/1985-03-to-06-xx.ntfpag.no-5.pdf

Jun 011985

Issue #5: First half of 1985 – Freedom in Action; Front Page, Marc Emery, FP Action Director guest on open-line radio; Robert Metz audio tapes on election 1985; Pan-Am update; (Openers) Metz discusses multiple topics from current political events to community involvement; Hear the Voice of Freedom Party, cassette tapes of debates and radio talk shows; No Tax for Pan-Am games campaign successful; Excerpts from Pan-Am newspaper articles (London Free Press); Pan-Am related political cartoons (London Free Press); Excerpts from newspaper articles Pan-Am Games, Capital Gains, Bob Rae on Income Tax (Globe & Mail); Eaton’s Unionization Strike a Failure; Eaton’s Strike a Scam, Garth Turner, Excerpts from newspaper article (Toronto Sun); Freedom and Responsibility in Ontario’s Educational System, details and proposals on education.

Issue #6: Election 1985, Creating a Choice, Political cartoon (London Free Press); Article, FP Campaign Director, Marc Emery; Fringe Parties don’t go anywhere – FP election activities – newspaper excerpts (London Free Press); Freedom Party Candidates 1985; Feminists Avoid Freedom Party; More, No Tax for Pan-Am Victory, history of the campaign, flyer, document and newsletter reprints.

NOTE: Issue 5 of the No Tax for Pan Am Committee Newsletter was included, as an insert, in this double issue. Continue reading »

Feb 011985

No-tax for Pan-Am brochure revised and updated; Still time to keep taxes out of Pan-Am 1991; Free Press propaganda machine works overtime to promote Pan-Am Games bid; Can Londoners still prevent being taxed for Pan-Am 1991?; More biased Free Press reporting; How can you help?; Seniors association officially opposes tax use for games; What can we expect from the more tax for Pan-Am Bid Committee in the future?; Is Marc Emery politically motivated or seeking political gain through his stand on taxes for Pan Am?; Are there really enough corporations in Southern Ontario to sponsor the Pan-Am Games without taxes?; Referendum on games?; Send your no-tax cards to your members of federal & provincial governments; Who on City Council is most likely to change their mind?; Letter to the editor: Opponents fo Games not ‘public enemy’; We need your help.

Document Details:

Document: No-tax for Pan-Am Games Newsletter (Issue #4)
Document Dated: February 1985
Publisher: Freedom Party of Ontario (No-tax for Pan-am Committee)
Written by: Marc Emery
Edited by: Robert Metz
Document Type: Party Newsletter
Number of Pages: 10
Page dimensions: 8.5″ x 11″
Color/BW: Full colour

.pdf (7.5 MB) – Internet Quick Download (Searchable): https://freedomparty.on.ca/archive/documents/between-elections-campaigns/no-tax-for-pan-am-games/no-tax-for-pan-am-games-newsletter/1985-02-xx.ntfpag.no-4.internet-quick-download.pdf

.pdf (19.4 MB) – Archive Quality (Searchable Exact): https://freedomparty.on.ca/archive/documents/between-elections-campaigns/no-tax-for-pan-am-games/no-tax-for-pan-am-games-newsletter/1985-02-xx.ntfpag.no-4.pdf

Jan 011985

No-tax for Pan-Am supporters pack City Hall!; Special thanks; What are we trying to accomplish; Big money in product endorsements by Canadian Olympic medallists; More Olympic pools swimming in debt; Our mistake; Pan-Am Games could be held in London-southwestern Ontario without building expensive white elephants; Promises promises; Expo ’86 – another fine mess they’ve gotten us into; Letter to the editor. Continue reading »