Mar 102011

“As we drive to work this morning, many of us are wondering how we are going to pay our auto insurance bills. The evidence from Ontario and other jurisdictions is now clear: the no-fault system Ontario adopted in 1990 leads to skyrocketing premiums, and dwindling benefits. A 2011 election plank released today by Freedom Party of Ontario says a Freedom government would follow the lead of over a dozen other North American jurisdictions by ending Ontario’s failed experiment with no-fault auto insurance. A Freedom government would restore the pre-1990 full-tort system, under which an accident causes only the at-fault driver to suffer increased premiums…” Click here to read the full media release.

Mar 022011

“On July 1, 2010, Liberal Premier Dalton McGuinty’s introduction of the H.S.T. translated into a new 8% provincial tax on gasoline sales. The new tax taxes not only the actual price of the fuel, but also the 14.7 cents/liter Ontario gasoline tax. A 2011 election plank released today by Freedom Party of Ontario calls for the elimination of the old 14.7 cents/litre gasoline tax…” Click here to read the full media release.

Feb 212011

“In April of 2007, Ontario’s Liberal McGuinty government vowed to ban incandescent light bulbs in 2012. The Progressive Conservatives wanted the ban to take place immediately, in 2007. A 2011 election plank issued today by Freedom Party of Ontario says surplus energy makes the 2012 ban unnecessary, and proposes that the ban be cancelled…” Click here to read the full media release.