July 2007
version |
By-elections set stage for October 10 Ontario election; Compare the candidates; Global warming clouds issues; FP Candidates in 8 consecutive bi-elections, 2005 to 2007 - Burlington, Markham,York South-Central, Parkdale-High Park, Nepean-Carleton, Toronto Danforth, Whitby-Ajax, Scarborough-Rouge River; Candidates Debate - Cathy McKeever; Tory Stance on Caledonia is Hypocritical; Freedom Party Questionnaire: Life, Liberty, Property Fundamental to FP supporters; Frank Views Presented on FP TV and FP on TV (Show Listings); Metz hosts weekly radio call-in show: 'Just Right'; Just Right's true left and true right ideologies chart; Changes to FP membership cards. |
July 2006
version |
Party launches 2007 election platform on October 4, 2005: exactly 2 years
prior to 2007 election polling day. Openers: Some Frank talk about Freedom
Party and
Tax Targeted (London Free Press). In-your-face billboards speak
directly to Ontario voters. Freedom Party 'mystery' dinner excites, delights
Freedom Party Kicks Off Campaign (London Free Press). Dinner
meet 'Frank'
- Freedom Party's new mascot. Who must you be to be Frank? A message
from Paul McKeever, Leader, Freedom Party of Ontario. Consumption Tax
Cure for Revenue Gap (a column by Paul McKeever, published in the Financial
Post). Scoring Points in Battle of the Gap (Toronto Star).
The Riding Where the Toughest Job is Being Right (National Post).
Ontario by-elections a sobering reminder of voter and media inertia.
By-elections a Gauge for McGuinty (Toronto Star). Constituency
every candidate needs one. |
August 2004
version |
2003 Election Campaign: Election Call Timing Forcxed by Freedom Party
Campaign...Fp Platform Stresses Health Care, Education, Electricity...Two
Dozen Candidates Propel Freedom Party to Provincial Stage...Opportunity
Calling...Freedom Party Message Ignored, Loved, Hated..."Just Blow Me"
advert...McKeever Targets Eves' Socialism...Perfect Fit...Tories Roasted
at debate...Letter of the Day. |
May 2003
version |
re-assembly of the right as Freedom Party:
speech by Leader Paul McKeever; riding association workshop coverage
in Belleville; "Far-Right fringe aiming to influence Ontario vote" (Globe
and Mail); Signs Point to a Spring Election (London
Free Press); Sarnia Observer profiles Fp candidate Andrew Falby; Lindsay Daily
Post covers Charles Olito's campaign in Haliburton-Victoria-Brock; Discipline,
or "a Discipline"? Daily Post pokes fun at its own headline, attributes
quote to Olito; Frampton one of four main candidates in London-West (The
Reporter); Ray Monteith first out of the gates in Elgin-Middlesex-London
(St. Thomas Times-Journal); McKeever quoted by National Post concerning
Eves' manipulative, vote-oriented mortgage interest deduction proposal. |
Fall 2000
version |
1999 Election Campaign Lloyd Walker - "I Have Seen the Enemy ... Fp's campaign
against politically correct thought control ... The 1999 Ontario General
Election Campaign ... Elijah Elieff launches $1.3 million lawsuit against
those he holds responsible for the loss of his (former) Cheyenne Ave. apartment
buildings ... The phenomenally successful ISIL Conference in London ...
plus Letters to Fp! |
June 1998
version..........html version |
Calgary Declaration Our readers speak! Feedback, good and bad; No room for
freedom in Calgary Framework, Walker's message to legislature; Roots of
Change Conference urged to put freedom first!; Funds appeal launched for
London landlord Elijah Elieff; Harris and Walker on proportional representation;
Manning criticized for his theory of Confederation; Joe Armstrong visits
Freedom Party; APEC publishes Leitch address to Freedom Party; Property
Rights Dialogue; Flat Tax Advocates; Website draws visitors from around
the world; Drug Laws; Racism; Education - Protesting the Protestors; ...and
much, much more! |
October 1997
version |
Party leader Lloyd Walker; FP supports constitutional challenge to Canada's
drug laws; Monteith questions motives of prohibitionists; Judge rules 'trivial'
freedoms not protected by Charter; Private meeting with Manning; Freedom
of Speech under attack; APEC president Ron Leitch calls for grassroots action;
Human Rights Commission is racists, says Metz; Freedom of Information ruling
irrelevant in determination of information's validity; PC's referenda report
'disappointing', says Walker; 'Nothing in it for politicians,' says Pengelly,
on welfare reform; Open-line radio show 'Left-Right-Center' launched on
CJBK AM radio in London; Entire FP history now on line; Vaughan tests political
waters. |
April 1997
version..........html version |
Common Sense Shuffle The New Dealers and the Common Sense Shuffle; Politics
and Poverty; Conference for Concerned Canadians A Success; Fireside Chat
with Joe Armstrong; Divisional Court Fines London landlord for discrimination;
Free Press defends lack of balance; FP's Calendar of Canada features hundreds
of historical references; Ontario Human Rights Commission produces 'non-existent'
financial records; FP goes on record against tobacco prohibition; Monteith
condemns Canadian drug policies: 'Tell Washington to buzz off!'; FP refuses
compliance with Ontario's Commission On Election Finances. |
November 1996
version |
Party on the Internet The Big Switch and the Power of the Internet; FP Supports
Government Initiative on Referenda; Ontario Human Rights Commission Appeals
Board of Inquiry Ruling on Elijah Elieff; Freedom Party Files Freedom Of
Information Request on Human Rights Commission; FP's Robert Vaughan Campaigns
For Freedom Of Choice In Education; Harris Agenda 'Too Liberal'; Freedom
Party launches World Wide Web Site; Freedom Briefs, and more! |
March 1996
version..........html version |
Room For Freedom In The 'Common Sense Revolution' Pink Influences in the
Big Blue Machine; Don't throw eggs at Premier, throw roses; 'Impotent union
leadership' criticized, condemned; Metz debates Hargrove, Manners; National
Attention focused on counter-protest to union strike; Committee says 'NO!'
to Freedom Party; Human Rights Commission likened to Gestapo; Vaughan generating
controversy; Rent Control, Medicare, Freedom Briefs, and more! |
July 1995
version |
Party In Election '95. Top ten reasons to support Freedom Party in Election
'95; Freedom Party fields dozen candidates; Media bias hampers campaign
effectiveness; Credible election platform insulted with 'fringe' label;
Candidate and campaign highlights and media coverage; FP election results
at a glance; and more Freedom Briefs! |
April 1995
version..........html version |
Get MAD. Get FREEDOM. Why your vote doesn't count - unless you vote for
the winner; FP sets agenda at Elections Commission; FP recommends policies
to Reform Party; 'Just Window Dressing' says Plant on education budget process;
and Freedom Briefs! Our pre-election issue! 'The future belongs to freedom
- IF we are to have a future.' |
December 1994
version |
Party's Over. Ours Is Just Beginning...Human Rights Commission upset when
Board of Inquiry finds no evidence to support racism complaint against London
landlord; Vaughan elected to London school board; Diane Francis spotlights
Freedom Party's 'Dutch clock auction' approach to cutting welfare costs;
Gordon Domm addresses FP audience, refuses to end battle over Homolka trial
ban; Jack Plant - Taking the Lead; Breaking the mindset of more government
as a solution to social problems; and more Freedom Briefs! |
June 1994
version..........html version |
Choice For Tomorrow! "Freedom Party's eventual electability fully depends
upon our commitment to the very principles many believe prevent us from
getting elected."; Freedom Party's official submission to the Royal Commission
on Learning; New Party Leader: Jack Plant; Executive changes; FP campaigns
against taxi monopoly; Prohibition a failure, says Metz; School board budgets;
Tax protests, and more! |
December 1993
version |
Cheyenne Ave Human Rights Scandal
Rights Commission Board of Inquiry Bans Freedom Flyer #23!; London Free
Press credibility challenged by Board of Inquiry; Freedom Party accused
of publishing inaccurate information; Final Argument strikes at heart of
Human Rights Commission mandate; Abolish the Human Rights Commission, says
Metz. |
June 1993
version..........html version |
More Taxes? No Fair!
The Myth
of Fair Taxation; NDP Fair Tax Commission promotes higher taxes; Judge accuses
alternate parties of advancing own political agendas; Fp leader defends
London landlord against Human Rights commission charges (the banned article!);
Alternative parties protest federal restrictions; Education delegation sends
message to Queen's Park; and some more Freedom Briefs. |
December 1992
version |
--- to Freedom!
Party says 'NO!' to censorship by Ontario's Film Review Board; Alternative
Parties challenge Elections Commission; Freedom Party encourages 'NO' vote
to referendum question; Mandate of Human Rights Task force to violate rights, says Metz; Drug prohibition a failure? |
July 1992
version..........html version |
Language' Under Fire
Party launches public awareness campaign: Schools Failing Our Children!;
Freedom Party defends profit principle in daycare; Fp's 'Whole Language'
bulletin termed 'hate literature'; School mobilizes students against Freedom
Party; Just what is 'Whole Language', anyway? |
April 1992
version |
YOU Can Save Canada
and Frogs: Commentary by Robert Metz; "Only YOU Can Save Canada" Says Author
William Trench; Trustee Candidates Accused of Lying During Municipal Election;
Freedom Party Opposes Mandatory Bicycle Helmet Laws; Business Improvement
Areas (BIAs) 'Not Democratic'; Victory For Taxpayers: Hamilton's Jamesville
BIA Defeated! |
December 1991
version..........html version |
Education Issue: Choice versus Monopoly
Party Launches Campaign For Freedom Of Choice In Education; Fp Targets Union
Election Tactics; Protection of Rights Key To Constitutional Success, Says
Frampton; Freedom Party Advocates Phasing Out Rent Control In Ontario; Bad
Intentions Behind Bill 121, Says Metz; Socialism Under Fire; Freedom Party
Joins Tax Coalition Battle; Freedom Party Sunday Shopping Views Clash With
All-Party Committee; Government Pulls Plug On Private Daycare - Metz Warns
Daycare Operators of NDP Agenda; The Gulf War: Protesters Backing A Bully,
Says Robert Metz in Newspaper Editorial; Year-End Re-cap, and more...! |
February 1991
version |
REVOLT! - Through Political Reform
Party Launches 'Ax the Tax' Campaign; Special Anti-Tax Newsletter Published
- The Tax Act; Socialism 102 - What's Next? Fascism? - Commentary By Robert
Metz; At Rope's End - Tax Revolt In Ontario; Monteith Urges Citizens Not
To Pay Tax Increase; Emery Resigns; Fp Launches Media Blitz; "High Costs,
Taxes, Driving Jobs South" Says Frampton in Toronto Star Editorial. |
October 1990
version..........html version |
'90 Overview: So What's Wrong With Socialism? Socialism 101: What To Expect
Under Bob Rae's Majority NDP Government - Commentary By Robert Metz; Freedom
Party Fields Candidates in 10 Ontario Ridings; Over 100,000 pieces of Fp
Election Literature Delivered to Ontarians; CBC Radio Interview With Freedom
Party Leader Robert Metz; Freedom Party Appears on First Election Poll. |
May 1990
version |
Myth Of 'Fair Taxation'
"No Fair!"
Says Fp Leader Robert Metz About Taxation; "Of The People, By The People,
and For the People" - Democracy Reconsidered; Focus on the Environment -
Fp Leader Robert Metz Participates in Media Forum On the Environment; Fp's
Barry Fitzgerald Wins Battle to Force City of Welland to Clean Up the Welland
River; Fraser Institute's Senior Economist, Dr. Walter Block, Presents Fp
Members And Supporters With A Reconciliation of Economics And The Environment;
What Do We Owe The Poor? |
February 1990
version..........html version |
On The Minimum Wage
Forum: Fp's Murray Hopper Debates United Church minister Susan Eagle on
the Minimum Wage; What To Do About The GST?; Freedom Party Campaigns For
Freedom Of Choice In Language - Bill 8 And Official Bilingualism Condemned;
Mississauga's Clarkson Business Improvement Area To Stay Despite Protest
and Opposition; Letters From Our Readers - And More! |
Spring 1989
version |
Up The Welland River
Ministry Orders City of Welland to Hook-up to Sewer - Thanks To Efforts
Of Fp Executive Barry Fitzgerald; Workman's Compensation Critiqued; Breaking
The Voting Habit - Commentary By Robert Metz; Our Readers Write To Disagree
With Us; Fp Produces Buttons Opposing Official Bilingualism; A Review Of
Fp's Grass Roots Campaigns, and more...! |
Winter 1988-1989
version..........html version |
BIA The Clarkson Controversy, Sunday Shopping, Freedom of Choice, Competition, Private Property Rights, Freedom of Religion, Justice, Self-Responsibility, Free Enterprise, The Freedom Party campaigns; (Openers) The Long Hard Climb, party success challenges; 1988 Wellend-Thorold election results, various newspaper excerpts (Guardian Express); Calendar of Individual Freedom Expands Freedom's Horizons, forecasts and strategies; Province is staying out of Clarkson BIA affairs (Mississauga News); Clarkson Controversy, What is BIA?, Battle Rages over Clarkson's BIA, Clarkson Business Group in Turmoil, Clarkson BIA meeting turned to chaos (Mississauga News), Letter from Adams Rent-All to John Eakins, Minister of Municipal Affairs; Dresden Opposes Sunday Shopping (Chatham Daily News) Not Just a Single Issue - Anatomy of the Sunday Shopping Debate, FP Stance on Sunday Shopping Ad, It's a Matter of Choice - FP rep Fitzgerald appears before Standing Committee on Administration of Justice - St. Catharines, 1906 Lords Day Alliance and Act (Welland Evening Tribune); Open-Line on Sunday Laws; Jailed For Justice, Marc Emery first to be jailed for violation of Retail Business Holidays Act; Also-rans Driven by Idealism, Pay Equity Rules - Market Forces, Marketplace Offers Better Education System (London Free Press); FP represented on CFPL-TV London - Sunday Shopping; Consent (issue #6); Freedom Forum - letters, questions, opinions. |
Summer 1988
version |
FP Calendar 1989; Elections 1987-88 Overview; Bridging the Credibility Gap, Peterson's Liberals win majority, analysis; Fringe Parties Jockey for Fourth Place (Globe & Mail); FP Election Results Analysis; Newspaper Excerpts, Candidates, Highlights of Marc Emery, Ray Monteith - Elgin Riding, Emery's Calendar of Individual Freedom, FP Candidates Balabanian, Frampton, Pengelly, Magder - FP (London Free Press); FP Election Issues 1987; North London Bi-election Sets New Precedents, vote gains; Freedom Party Scoffs at Fringe Party Title; Freedom For Sale on Ballot, highlight of FP Campaign; Freedom Briefs, news of FP activities; Welland-Thorold About to discover Freedom Party, by-election, Barry Fitzgerald. |
August-December 1987
version..........html version |
The Labour Issue
Briefs; Labour vs. Labour: The Truth Behind the Labour Movement; Freedom
Party Trashes Garbage Strike; Profile: Ray Monteith; Delivering Our Message
on the Postal Strike; U.W.O. Campus Strike; U.W.O. Union Certification Drive;
Letters to the Editor; Letters on Labour. |
June-July 1987
version |
Freeing the Slaves. Sunday
Closing Laws: Metz and Emery testify to Select Committee on Retail
Store Hours; Magder Dinner a Success; Emery to Go to Court August 20
for Sunday Opening Charges; Freedom Party Blasts Toronto City Hall
Inquiry Into Sunday Opening Laws. Taxes & Business: BIA Campaigns Draw
Government Backlash; Bronte BIA in Trouble After Pamplet Barrage; Bronte
Needs BIA; BIA Misrepresents Case; BIA on the Ropes; Mississauga, Toronto,
Georgetown, Hamilton, Burlington, and Sarnia Actions; Letters: BIA
Backlash; Hamilton City Council Votes Unanimously
to As Ontario Government to Ban Freedom Party's BIA
Package and Recommends "Spreading False News" Criminal Charges Against
Freedom Party; Newspaper coverage. Meet Bill Frampton. Regulation (Bill
154): Pay Equity Legislation Condemned by Freedom Party at Committee
Hearings; Transcript of Questions Asked of Freedom Party by the Committee. |
January 1987
version |
FP Action Campaign Take Off in Ontario, Aurora, Newmarket, Hamilton, Burlington, Metro Toronto, Mississauga, London, St. Thomas, Keswick, Sarnia; (Openers) Metz discusses plans for 1987, Censorship Alert campaign; An Experience to Remember, Michael Emerling (Essence of Political Persuasion), Photos from FP Workshop - October 1986; BIA Campaign Mushrooms Into Major Effort, Merchants meet ant-BIA Group - excerpt (Hamilton Spectator); FREEDOM Party goes to the marketplace to support Sunday Choice, Marc Emery on CFPL-TV, Sunday Shopping, Retail Business Holidays Act; Scores of Charges Laid Over Sunday Shopping (Globe & Mail), Group Stages Blitz for Sunday Choice (Toronto Sun), Grocery Stores Continue to Defy Closing Law (St. Thomas Times Journal); Freedom Party Newspaper Campaign; Election 1987, election call expected in Spring; List of FP Publications.. |
September 1986
version |
The Emerling Experience; The Great Debate: Communism vs. Freedom (No
Debate at All); Largest Petition in London's History Presented to City
Council; "Roll back your pay 4,500 tell aldermen" (newspaper
coverage); Letter to Editor (London Free Press): "Petition deserved
better than council snub"; Toronto & London FP Supporters Fight
Business Improvement Area Taxes; The Future of Rent Control; Meet Lloyd
Walker. |
July 1986
version |
Group of Conviction Run By Man With Many Convictions; Action Director
Marc Emery Goes to the Polls in London Civic Election; Tax Credit Ceiling
Raised; Freedom Party Supporters Help Win a Big Battle for More Freedom
for Merv Lavigne and Millions of Canadian Workers; "Teacher wins
key case on use of union dues" (newspaper report); Promises, Promises!
(socialized medicine); Freedom Party Campus Association Gets Rolling
in 1985-1986 Campus Year; "Wage gap blamed on women's own views" (newspaper
coverage); Unemployment - As a Goal in Life; A Four Letter Word Starting
With "F" (Censorship Alert campaign). |
January-June 1985
(Double Issue)
HTML: Issue #5.....Issue 6 |
Issue #5: First half of 1985 - Freedom in Action; Front Page, Marc Emery, FP Action Director guest on open-line radio; Robert Metz audio tapes on election 1985; Pan-Am update; (Openers) Metz discusses multiple topics from current political events to community involvement; Hear the Voice of Freedom Party, cassette tapes of debates and radio talk shows; No Tax for Pan-Am games campaign successful; Excerpts from Pan-Am newspaper articles (London Free Press); Pan-Am related political cartoons (London Free Press); Excerpts from newspaper articles Pan-Am Games, Capital Gains, Bob Rae on Income Tax (Globe & Mail); Eaton's Unionization Strike a Failure; Eaton's Strike a Scam, Garth Turner, Excerpts from newspaper article (Toronto Sun); Freedom and Responsibility in Ontario's Educational System, details and proposals on education.
Issue #6: Election 1985, Creating a Choice, Political cartoon (London Free Press); Article, FP Campaign Director, Marc Emery; Fringe Parties don't go anywhere - FP election activities - newspaper excerpts (London Free Press); Freedom Party Candidates 1985; Feminists Avoid Freedom Party; More, No Tax for Pan-Am Victory, history of the campaign, flyer, document and newsletter reprints.
NOTE: The link to the .pdf version (see left column) loads a .pdf of the double issue, including the insert (which was issue 5 of the No Tax for Pan Am Committee Newsletter). Alternatively, you can read Issue 5 alone by clicking here, read Issue 6 alone by clicking here, and read the insert by clicking here. |
September-December 1984
version |
Democracy, Resignations & Appointments; "There'll be no democracy for
Freedoms" (newspaper coverage); "If you didn't win one of these, you're
lucky" (newspaper coverage); Freedom (Party) on the Job Wins First
Round at Eaton's; Letters to the Editor re: Eaton's; "Eaton's workers
reject union" (newspaper
article); Freedom Party's Opposition to Tax-financed Hosting of 1991
Games Produces Overwhelming Support; INSERT: "The London Citizens'
Guide to The Tax-Paid 1991 Pan-Am Games Bid"; "Pamphlet challenges
Pan-Am Games bid" (newspaper coverage); Letter to the Editor (Robert
Metz); "Aldermen concede city split on issue of Pan-Am Games" (newspaper
article); "Speak up, supporters" (newspaper coverage); What is the
Government Doing to Your Neighbourhood?; Get Involved (this means you!);
University of Western Ontario Homecoming Party Not Held at Own 'Home';
"Why London should review grant to UWO" (letter to editor - Marc Emery);
Cartoon (Marc Emery and the Gatewood riots issue); Building Our Reputation:
Community Involvement and Its Rewards; Prosperity as the Road to Freedom;
Campaigning for Success (not for votes); A Sample Interview with FP
Action Director; Wanted!; Our Record for 1984. |
May-August 1984
version |
Money, Effort, Dedication; From the President; Talkin' Philosophy; Freedom
Party only Political Party Supporting Freedom of Speech; Our Continuing
Battle Against Censorship; "Freedom Party praises AMI's handling of hospital"
(newspaper coverage); Planning and Preparation for Municipal Elections
(Part 3); What Price Freedom? What Cost the Lack of It? |
March-April 1984
version |
From the President; Talkin'
Philosophy; School Boards in the Real World; Censorship (newspaper
coverage); Planning and Preparation for Municipal Elections (Part Two);
INSERT: "Marc Emery: He's against big government and thinks most
people agree" (newspaper profile); "Political crusader's proselytizing pays
off" (newspaper coverage); "Integrity of pornography inquiry attacked
by London libertarian" (newspaper coverage). |
January-February 1984
pdf version..........html version |
Damn the Torpedoes...Full Speed Ahead!; Local
Elections: First Avenue to Success; Freedom File; Planning and Preparation;
Have Marc Will Travel; Selling Freedom; Avoid Wasting Time - Recruitment
Do's & Don'ts; Bill Peterson and David Davis: Leaders of the Same Party. |