Freedom Flyer November 1987 Cover

Freedom Flyer 11

the official newsletter of the
Freedom Party of Ontario

November 1987

Article electronically reproduced from:

The Western News

April 16, 1987

Group opposed to idea of compulsory union

Dear Editor:

I would like to make it clear to anyone who is still undecided about union representation, that SCWE (Staff for Cooperative Work and Environment) is not offering alternative representation. We are just a number of concerned individuals who think that compulsory unionization of UWO's support staff is unwise and unnecessary. We are speaking up to make the undecided aware of the alternatives and/or consequences. Unlike a union, our "followers" are a voluntary group and we wish to defend and preserve our right to freedom of choice. If defence of this fundamental right is termed reactionary and somewhat paranoid, then perhaps we are.

I would also like to point out that if you choose not to be a member of a voluntary organization, you do not pay a membership fee, but if you choose not to be a member of a union such as CUPE, you are still forced to pay a membership fee (union dues). You have no choice about this, therefore you are a member and to me that means compulsory membership. To think otherwise would be somewhat naive. The only important point is whether membership is voluntary or compulsory.

May I also remind the writer (Lynette Geddes, Student Services, Western News, April 2/87) who mentioned the only strike in the history of UWO, of how much indirect effect this strike had on a large number of uninvolved people. (Busdrivers would not cross picket lines and passengers were asked to get off the buses at the UWO gates.) This may only have been a small incident, an annoying inconvenience, however, I will leave it to your imagination what the results would be, should we become unionized and were asked to perform the same function.

In response to the same writer's example: "Caretaking staff negotiated their 1986-87 contract at the same time as UWOSA did and were offered the same 3.5 percent. They took it to arbitration and got 3.5 percent but retroactively plus individual bonuses..." One must wonder under what circumstances the caretaking staff received these "extras.

Lastly, I would like to add my personal comments on "democratic votes, collective actions and overwhelming majority." Whatever these words may mean, they mean nothing to me, the individual. I become lost in a group. Thus at the time of "democratic votes and collective actions" a group of people (usually called a majority) can impose their will (decision, choice) on another group of people (smaller and usually called a minority). Since the smallest minority is the individual (me) I am given no choice except to let the "majority" make the choices for me. Democracy, more familiarly known as Majority Rule only means who gets to make my choices for me and wipes out the option that I as an individual should have the right to make those choices (decisions) myself. Therefore, numbers instead of rights and freedom of choice become the focus on any given issue. In a voluntary association, everyone has a choice; in a compulsory union such as CUPE, only some have a choice, others do not. Is this right?

We are a large number of staff at UWO and I think we do need an organized group to speak and negotiate on our behalf, but let us keep it on a voluntary basis. Support a voluntary staff association, with more involvement and perhaps a higher membership fee, so that these volunteers can be reimbursed for their efforts.

We are a civilized people and some of us strongly object to Mr. Fred Stam's idea of the "Clout".

Andrea Hanington
Dept. of Microbiology

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