Freedom Flyer November 1987 Cover

Freedom Flyer 11

the official newsletter of the
Freedom Party of Ontario

November 1987

Below is an article from the July 8, 1987 Mississauga News. Though the reporter is not sympathetic to our position, the information in the article is accurate.

Article electronically reproduced from:

The Mississauga News

July 8, 1987

Freedom Party out for show and tell

Staff Reporter

One of Ontario's newest political fringe parties is hoping to make a showing in the next provincial election and is currently trying to drum up support in the Mississauga area.

The 3-year-old Freedom Party has an area representative in Bill Frampton, an Applewood Hills computer programming analyst.

Frampton is busy distributing party literature and trying to recruit new members.

The party, which brandishes the motto, "Free Markets, Free Minds," is based in London, Ont., and led by Robert Metz.

Frampton declined to indicate where the Freedom Party lies on the left-right political spectrum, saying it was not an accurate indicator of political ideology.

Instead, he said the party stands for freedom of choice, free enterprise, civil liberties, and contrary to a political brochure, is not anti-labor.

A Freedom Party pamphlet noting the recent mail strike states, "The labor monopoly, with which Canada Post must currently contend, should be ended, allowing others in our community to be hired when those dissatisfied with their jobs choose to withhold their labor.

"Most definately ... the right to strike must be ended," the leaflet reads.

The brochure also includes an appeal for party supporters to "help counter-picket a local post office."

The 19-day mail strike ended on the weekend with a mediated settlement.

Frampton maintained the party is not anti-union but does not think workers should be obliged to join a union in a "closed shop" workplace.

The Freedom Party is an officially registered Ontario political party.

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