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I'm looking for a socialist party to connect with. Is the Freedom Party sympathetic to Marxism? If so, tell me more. If the Freedom Party is closer to the American system, please let me know so I can distance myself. Thanks.

- John Leiper-Laing,, January 27, 1997

There are many socialist parties from which you can choose. They include the Communist Party of Canada/Ontario, The New Democratic Party of Canada/Ontario, the Liberal Party of Canada/Ontario, the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, and to a lesser degree, the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario.

The only sympathy we have regarding Marxism is for the victims whose lives and property it has destroyed.

As to the American system, it is a mixed economy, a concept which Freedom Party does not support. We consistently support individual freedom of choice, and the moral principles of a free society on which it rests.

On the basis of our reply and your stated preferences, we can only offer this advice: distance yourself. Come to think of it, isolating oneself from the ideas of one's ideological opponents is perhaps the only way to defend Marxist dogma.

Originally published: Freedom Flyer 33

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