Abortion is the killing of a human and that is violence which does not deserve respect. It is also wrong to say that abortion is a right. Nobody has the right to kill a baby before it is born or at life's end; whoever advocates those things won't have the blessing of God!

Even if you have everything else right, this one thing shows that your party subscribes to the liberal philosophy of relativism; whatever you believe is right for you is ok! There is such a thing as right and wrong, and abortion and assisted suicide are the wrong things to do! That is so basic it is beyond arguing! This point alone will sink you!

- Eivind A. Eide, ed.eide01@ibm.net, January 28, 1997

You may be interested to know that Freedom Party and the Family Coalition Party are the only two Ontario provincial political parties who have publicly stated that they would withdraw government funding of abortions. However, Freedom Party would not prohibit abortion, unlike the Family Coalition Party which is the only party which has stated it would do so.

Ontario's three major political parties support something quite different from freedom of choice in abortion --- they support FREE abortions on demand, thus forcing people like yourself to fund the very practice you abhor. This policy, with which we disagree, certainly has not sunk them, politically. It is part of the socialist philosophy and mentality which drives most POPULAR political parties in Canada.

We recognize that there are many people who feel as you do, and we regard it a violation of your freedom of conscience and association when our government forces you to fund the abortions of others. Freedom Party's policy on abortion would certainly never force you fund abortions.

Freedom Party's philosophy is not based on relativism, but upon an objective code of values that define each individual's right to his or her own life. Though it may be accurately argued that each human's LIFE begins at conception, individual RIGHTS do not begin accruing until birth, since this is the first moment a human life becomes individual.

Rather than prohibit abortion, we prefer to encourage social conditions which would make the perceived necessity of abortion obsolete. Sexual abstinence, better contraception methods, and adoption would certainly be preferable to abortion, but it is not the legitimate right of any political party or government --- in a free society --- to force some people's preferences upon others.

Morality has a greater strength than law, and issues of 'right and wrong' are only applicable to those areas where freedom of choice exists. If most Canadians felt as you do, abortion simply wouldn't be an issue, legal or not. Your argument is with those who make the choice to have an abortion and with those parties who force you to pay for it, not with the policy of any political party which may or may not support the right to make such a choice.

However, we're glad to hear that you think we 'have everything else right', and would remind you that our policies on every issue, including abortion, are based on the same philosophy of individual rights and responsibilities. Freedom Party, unlike the major parties, does not ENCOURAGE abortion (through government subsidy); we DISCOURAGE it, but without a policy of prohibition. Popular or not, we think that's the RIGHT thing for a political party to do.

The rest is up to individuals. [rm]

Originally published: Freedom Flyer 33

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