For over two years, Ontario has undergone loss and suffering. A growing percentage of Canadians are wanting to put it all behind us, and get on with living our lives freely and safely. And that is exactly what will happen, with a Freedom government.

However, it cannot be denied that we have been told many things by our government and public health authorities that have turned out not to have been correct. We cannot simply leave unexamined everything that we have been told. Nor can we leave unquestioned what information has been withheld from the public, and why. In short, without a thorough examination of the facts and evidence, the Ontario government risks making decisions founded on incomplete, inaccurate, or false information.

This is not limited to knowing such things as how much or how little danger was or is posed by various forms of the SARS-Cov-2 virus; or how it was transmitted; or who it harmed. Those things are important to know, but there are many other things that need to be exposed to the full light of day.

Most importantly, the government's response to the spread of SARS-Cov-2 must be investigated and evaluated thoroughly. The people of Ontario deserve to know the answers to such questions as:

  • Which individuals ultimately exercised the power to impose Ontario's various Covid policies (re: masking, social distancing, lock-downs, stay-at-home orders, protection-from-liability, mandatory vaccination, proof of vaccination, etc.). We deserve names. Were they elected? Were they appointed? Were they staffers? Were they lobbyists? Were any of them in a conflict of interest?

  • Similarly, did the people who had a legal authority and duty to make policy decisions exercise that authority and do their duty?

  • Upon what alleged facts did government decision-makers base their policies? Was there physical evidence to support the alleged facts?

  • What was each policy supposed to achieve? Did the policy achieve what it was supposed to achieve?

  • Upon what information, if any, were the government's various pronouncements about the safety or effectiveness of such things as masks, social distancing, mRNA technologies, vaccine passports etc. founded?

  • Did any of the government's Covid policies harm some people? If so, who, how many people, how were they harmed, and how badly? And, if a policy harmed at least some people, did the government know, in advance, that some people would be harmed by complying with a government policy, or by trusting a claim made by the government about safety or effectiveness? If so, what moral excuse or justification did the government consider itself to be operating upon when it knowingly imposed policy or made claims knowing that some people would be harmed?

  • Which organizations' or individuals' recommendations or requests were the basis for a Covid policy? For example, was Ontario essentially deferring to the World Health Organization? Was it being pressured by hospital or health care associations, businesses, or unions? Was the government swayed by paid lobbyists, etc.?

  • Who benefitted financially from the government's response to Covid? Why? When? How? How much?
In short, we all have a right to know the truth. We, and future generations, not only deserve but need to know the truth. We cannot leave it to Twitter and Facebook posts, political spin-doctors, TV doctors, political columnists, and proponents of collectivism to be the authors of the history of what has happened to us - or has been done to us - over the last several years. If the government has been keeping secrets or holding back any information - even if only because it thinks keeping us in the dark was in our best interests - it is now time for full and honest disclosure.

Therefore, a Freedom government will:
  • Commission a Covid Truth and Reconciliation Inquiry by an independent body having the power to subpoena witnesses, protect the identity of whistleblowers, gather and weigh evidence, and produce a report;

  • Require that the activities of the Inquiry be carried out in a public and transparent way; and

  • Require that witnesses and experts not be limited to those who, during the pandemic, toed the line and supported the government's and media's narrative about the safety, efficacy, or morality of each government response.

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