Canada's Constitution asserts that Canada is a free and democratic society.

In a free and democratic society, human beings are recognized by their government to be individuals, not to be members of collectives defined by race, sex, creed, medical status, etc.. The government's duties are to individuals, as individuals.

In a free and democratic society, government at all times respects the fact that human beings have the power to think and to choose. It never treats individuals as though they are zoo animals who need to be corralled or shepherded. A society of human beings is not akin to a child, and the government is not akin to a parent.

In a free and democratic society, government acknowledges that every individual is right to pursue his or her own happiness. Government does not treat individuals as though they are pawns in a game played by government, for its own purposes.

The government of a free and democratic society has one job: to make and enforce laws that maintain respect for your individuality, your capacity to think and choose, and your pursuit of your own happiness; to defend you against anyone who would attempt to take your life, your liberty, or your property without your consent.

However, as the last few years have shown, the MPPs of the four parties currently holding seats in the Ontario Legislature think that government's role is to make laws that treat individuals not as individuals, but as members of differing collectives (e.g., vaccinated versus unvaccinated) or "communities". And, having denied us of our status as individuals, they have attempted to turn the groups - which they made - against one another so as to justify increasing the scope of their powers.

MPPs of those four parties - the Progressive Conservatives, the Liberals, the NDP, and the Greens - also share the view that the government and their alleged experts know what is best for the health and happiness every individual. They share the view that government knows - better than parents - what decisions to make about children.

The MPPs of those four parties all share the view that your pursuit of your own happiness is irrelevant. They believe that your life, your passions, your goals and aspirations should, if necessary, be sacrificed to achieve the allegedly loftier plans and goals of government and of the people it really serves: not you, but wealthy and powerful global interests of the financial or political sort.

All four of those political parties have favoured mask mandates, lock-downs, and mandatory injection of experimental mRNA technology. The Ford government, for years, has allowed employers to cut employees' pay, to reduce their hours, or even place them on long-term unpaid leave, with no consequences, even though such things would otherwise constitute constructive dismissal, for which employees may sue their employers. Even though employers have no right to information about your medical status (such as whether or not you have taken the "vaccine"), the Ford government has actually cheered on the practice of some employers who have placed employees on unpaid leave, or even fired them, for not providing proof of vaccination.

It has to stop. It must never happen again.

Accordingly, a Freedom government will:

  • Bolster laws requiring MPPs, the Premier, and his cabinet Ministers, not to defer to lobbyists, alleged experts, or media, the power to determine what will be the laws, policies or directives imposed in Ontario. There must be personal consequences for an elected MPP's dereliction of duty;

  • Eliminate the practice of rationing or preventing access to healthcare facilities, providers, services, or medicines. A person with cancer, for example, ought never to be required to wait because of an alleged public health emergency;

  • Institute a "right to try" for patients who, once advised by their respective health care providers of the benefits and risks of a given medicine or procedure, consent to trying the medicine or procedure. You should be free to try, for example, experimental vaccines, or medicines that might help remedy a new viral outbreak (such as Ivermectin, or hydroxychloroquine);

  • Bolster the independence of medical professionals in respect of what they recommend and prescribe for their patients. No college or professional association should have any say about what a licenced physician or nurse can say, recommend, or prescribe to his or her patients. No physician or nurse should be subjected to any form of coercion for expressing publicly (including in news media and social media) an honest opinion about the efficacy or appropriateness of a given procedure or medicine. No physician, nurse, or other health care provider should be threatened with losing her or his licence in consequence of providing a patient with a note stating that they have certain medical conditions;

  • Defend free speech by prohibiting forced speech. Self-governing bodies will be prohibited from requiring their members to make statements or commitments, such as forced expressions that they share a particular opinion or commitment on a matter of politics, religion, or science;

  • Bolster medical privacy by prohibiting employers, landlords, and businesses from asking individuals about their health status, about what medical procedures
    they have undergone, or about medicines they have taken. Your medical privacy should not cost
    you your job;

  • Defend personal choice by prohibiting segregation - by landlords, employers, or businesses - of individuals on the basis of vaccination status. It will be illegal to request proof of vaccination or to make it a condition of entry or service;

  • Prohibit employers, landlords, and businesses from requiring employees, tenants, or patrons to wear (or not to wear) medical items such as medical masks, plastic shields. The decision is for the employee, tenant, or patron to make; and

  • Ensure that the Ontario Provincial Police have sufficient staff and funding effectively to defend the peaceful assembly and freedom of speech of individuals from those who - by way of trespass, physical intimidation, violence, or breach of the peace - attempt to harm those assembled or to prevent the communication of speech.

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