Since March of 2020, the Progressive Conservative government of Doug Ford has engaged in gross violations of
individual freedom. With the support of the provincial
Liberals, NDP, and Greens:

  • It has passed regulations that have allowed employers to face no consequences for such breaches of contract as pay reductions and employer-imposed unpaid Infectious Disease Emergency Leave ("IDEL").

  • It has classified some goods and services as "non-essential", and issued orders effectively forcing such goods and services providers to close, while other "essential" businesses have been allowed to continue operating and even to thrive.

  • It has imposed fines and even arrested people for continuing to provide goods and services during "lock-down" (a term previously used primarily in prisons during riots). Even the providers of religious services have been placed in handcuffs and had their churches locked up.

  • It has, by strongly promoting all Covid "vaccines" as "safe and effective", deprived the public of informed choice. For example, after months of telling the public, recklessly, that AstraZeneca was "safe", on May 11, 2021, the Ford government announced that it would no longer make AstraZeneca shots available because it was causing blood clots in some individuals. On September 29, 2021, after months of asserting, unequivocally, that Moderna was "safe", the Ontario government issued a "preferential recommendation... for those aged 18 to 24 to receive the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine over Moderna due to a very low incidence of cardio issues in some younger people." At the same time, the Ford government has known the vaccines not to be effective in preventing anyone from getting Covid: On February 15, 2022, the Premier himself - in a rare and isolated moment of honesty - admitted that "We also know that it doesn't matter whether you've had one shot or 10 shots: you can catch Covid!". Despite that accidental admission, the Ford government has continued to assert, as Deputy Premier Christine Elliott did on February 17, 2022, that "Vaccines remain the best protection against #COVID19 and the Omicron variant."

  • It has, by mandating the wearing of masks - even while knowing they are not effective in preventing the transmission of the SARS-Cov-2 virus - caused people to suffer bacterial infections, dental problems, and psychological problems (especially in children).
Some things can never be remedied. However, to the extent that the government has wronged people and can reverse the wrong, it must now do so. Accordingly, a Freedom government will:
  • Require all fines collected in the province - whether by the province, by regional municipalities, or by local governments or police - immediately to be repaid to the individuals who were fined for violating Covid-specific laws, regulations, or directives such as laws against peaceful assembly, or against failing to wear a mask. All records of the identities and contact information of those fined will be destroyed;

  • Require all property seized from those who demonstrated against Covid-related business closures or restrictions, mandatory vaccination, proof of vaccination, or mask mandates (including demonstrators at Ottawa, Toronto, and Windsor) - by Ontario or any of its municipalities, or by their respective police forces - immediately to be returned or replaced;

  • Immediately release from jail or prison anyone currently serving time for the violation of a provincial, municipal, or health authority Covid mandate, regulation or directive. All such charges will be dropped immediately. All records of their violations shall be expunged from provincial and municipal records. All will be issued a formal written apology from the Crown in Right of Ontario. It will be an offence for employers, landlords, and businesses to discriminate against someone who was charged or convicted of a Covid-related law, regulation, or directive;

  • Require immediate restoration of any licence or permit that was revoked due to the violation of a Covid law, regulation, or directive. This includes any physician or nurse who was de-licenced or suspended for providing warranted Covid-related medical service of which their respective colleges disapproved;

  • Immediately end the "Covid-19" period and eliminate the IDEL provisions that have allowed employers to send employees home without pay or consequence. Any employee who was on an IDEL when the IDEL is ended will be deemed to have been on an expired temporary lay-off: employers will not have the option of placing an employee on a temporary lay-off when the IDEL is eliminated;

  • Reverse the harm done by employers who - without being ordered by government to do so - required their employees to be vaccinated as a condition of continued active employment. An employee placed on IDEL or dismissed for refusing to disclose whether they had received a Covid vaccine, or for refusing to be vaccinated, shall be deemed to have been wrongfully dismissed at common law. Employers will be required, by law, to pay in arrears all pay that the employee would otherwise have received from the employer since the date of IDEL or dismissal. The employee's right to sue for wrongful dismissal will not be prejudiced by the payment. All such employees, whether placed on an IDEL or dismissed, shall have a right to immediate reinstatement. Employees who decide against reinstatement shall be deemed neither to have resigned nor to have failed in his/her duty to mitigate his/her losses; and

  • Introduce a law prohibiting elected officials and their delegates from vouching for the safety or effectiveness of any given medical procedure, medical device, or medicine. The provision of advice about safety and effectiveness is medical advice and should be left to licenced physicians and nurses, who have the knowledge, skill, and duty to tailor their advice to the particular and differing needs of each patient.

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