If the public's response to Covid has shown us anything, it is that many people - terrified by a continual stream of war-time language (e.g., "front lines") and prison language (e.g., "lock-down") from elected politicians, "officers of health", and tax-funded media - allow fear and panic to erode their respect for the freedom of their fellow human beings. The terrified look for someone to blame. Fingers get pointed. The population gets divided into a defamed "out-group" that is scapegoated for all the harm and loss being suffered, and an "in-group" of frightened, angry people calling the out-group the equivalent of disease or vermin, demanding that the government impose increasingly punitive and tyrannical penalties upon those who simply refuse to agree to the loss of their freedom. For politicians seeking re-election, physical evidence and the scientific method cease to matter: the results of political polls end up driving public policy. Freedom is lost and, with it, peace, prosperity, happiness, and goodwill-toward one's fellow human beings.

History is full of examples of the exact same pattern. In many cases, the end result has been genocide (e.g., Hitler's Germany, Stalin's USSR, Rwanda, etc.). Our politicians, in Ontario, either have not read a history book or have refused to learn the lessons of history. Or worse: they have learned the lessons of history and deliberately have used terror to expand the powers of government. The laws of Ontario need to be changed to ensure that the kinds of infringements upon freedom that have happened - this time due to SARS-Cov-2 - are much less likely to happen ever again. To that end, a Freedom government will:

  • Immediately end any and all mask mandates still in effect, including in schools. All provincial and municipal government buildings will be free of mask mandates. Employers, landlords, and providers of goods and services will be prohibited from making the wearing of a mask a condition of entry or of service;

  • Immediately end any and all Covid vaccination mandates still in effect, including in hospitals;

  • Ban segregation/discrimination on the basis of Covid vaccination status. Employers, landlords businesses open to the public, government offices, and other public venues will be prohibited from requesting proof of vaccination;

  • Immediately discontinue the operation of Ontario's "Verify Ontario" vaccine passport app. The app will be withdrawn from all distribution services such as the Apple and Google app stores;

  • Ontario's current plan to replace the digital vaccine passport with a "Digital ID" will be cancelled.

  • Immediately end Ontario's Covid-vaccination campaign. Those who wish to continue to have Covid vaccine injections will be free to do so at their own expense, in the same manner that they would pay for other medicines;

  • Immediately end any and all remaining lockdowns and Covid-related limits on the number of customers that may be present in a store;

  • Immediately end all Covid-related measures that keep family members and friends from visiting, talking-to, or touching one another;

  • Immediately end all measures against, singing, dancing, dining, sports, sitting side-by-side in entertainment venues et cetera;

  • The absence of mask mandates, Covid vaccination mandates, plexiglass dividers, aisle direct arrows (for example, in grocery stores), etc. shall be deemed not to constitute unsafe work conditions for the purposes of workplace safety laws and the common law;

  • Review, and amend as necessary, Ontario's Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act ("EMCPA") to better define what constitutes an emergency, and to ensure that that statute cannot be used to sacrifice individual freedom to an alleged "greater good" of the collective;

  • Amend the EMCPA to prevent the government from distinguishing between "essential" and "non-essential" providers of goods and services; and to prevent the government from using lock-downs as a method of attempting to deal with communicable diseases;

  • Amend the EMCPA to prevent the government from issuing "stay at home" orders (i.e., house arrest) and from restricting the movement of individuals who are not demonstrably suffering symptoms of a contagious disease;

  • Amend the EMCPA to prevent the government from making any law or order that violates or undermines an individual's right to decide whether or not to undergo a medical procedure or to take a given inoculation or medicine;

  • Amend the EMCPA to include that provincial parliament is dissolved five months after the declaration of an emergency. In other words, a provincial election must be held six (6) months after the provincial government declares an emergency. Politicians considering placing the province into a state of emergency for anything other than the most justified reasons must face, also, the possibility that they will be voted out of office for having declared or supported the state of emergency;

  • Amend the EMCPA to prevent the government from imposing mask mandates;

  • Prohibit the administration of vaccines (for example, in schools) to children without parental consent. Minors lack the capacity to give informed consent!;

  • Amend the EMPCA to prevent the government from banning religious assembly or service;

  • Require Ontario's tax-funded venues, including schools, colleges, universities, sports facilities, entertainment facilities, libraries, museums, and government buildings to fully restore, to pre-Covid status, in-person service; and

  • Ensure that elected MPPs are not deprived of their power to question and criticize the government during a state of emergency. The need to hold the government to account is more important, not less important, during a state of emergency.

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